Drafting and Process Analysis

This essay investigates the literature on drafting and process analysis of an essay. It develops an effective introduction and conclusion to exemplify the standards for effective essay writing. In doing this, it identifies the common mistakes that keep recurring in virtually all essays and proposes the best way to avoid them. Further, the essay explains the distinction that exists between directive process analysis and informative process analysis forms of a written essay. According to the essay, an informative process essay basically gives a description of a procedure through a series of properly organized steps making sure that the language used in the essay is concise and not unnecessarily flowery (D’Agata J. 2009).

Essay writing has always posed a challenge to many good writers. This is, however, because of simple common mistakes that can be avoided. For instance, the introduction can be organized in such a manner that the reader gets a general overview of the essay content. Besides, the language used should be mindful of the type of essay under consideration. This will avoid unnecessary mix-ups that would dilute the content and literary quality of the essay. Further, the conclusion of the essay should basically attempt to recap the steps or the information contained in the body. This will make a perfect essay worth the attention of any reader (W. Nigel 2006).

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Many essays often lack a proper thesis. This is basically the sentence that should contain the fundamental argument of the essay. Although it looks very simple, it is one of the common mistakes that have become synonymous with almost every essay writings. Ideally, this sentence should sum up the entire debate that runs throughout the essay. A thesis statement should always appear at the end of the introductory statement. Although there are exceptions to this rule, it makes a perfect logic to appear at the end as this will enable the writer to place a general argument detailing how they plan to prove the thesis statement (W. Nigel 2006).

The body of an essay must always put some evidence to their facts by making quotations and referring to documentations. This is significant, that it gives a perception that the essay has some concrete information and is not merely expressing the opinion of its writer. As such, it’s the responsibility of every essay writer to spare some time and go to the library, where they can find the necessary facts. However, writers have to be sure to indicate these sources on the reference page. In addition, simple grammatical errors keep surfacing in essay writings. These include inappropriate use of commas, errors in spelling and punctuation problems. This calls for a thorough understanding of these elements and how they are used. Further, many writers often ignore the use of appropriate transitional phrases, thereby making their argument incoherent. These together with unnecessary repetitions can be avoided, if the writers take their time to proofread through their essay before they submit them (D’Agata J. 2009).

The language used in an essay depends on the type of essay. This often brings the distinction between directive process essays and informative process essay. While a directive process essay explains in details how something is done, an informative process essay only provides the general information concerning how a system functions. Besides, the language used in the two forms of process writing should be distinct as it is always a marking point. For instance, the language used in informative process essay should be up to the point. However, a descriptive process essay should allow some level of flowery language, especially if it would help give directives in a more understandable manner (W. Nigel 2006).

In conclusion, an ideal essay should have a clear thesis statement. Besides, the body should be devoid of any structural or grammar mistakes. This, together with the use of the appropriate language, would make a perfect essay.


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