Art: The Merge of the Practical and Beautiful

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Art constitutes a wide range of styles. For example, craft, sculpture, and architecture are the types of art. However, these techniques are rather distinct. Craft refers to the artistic approaches that utilize natural media, such as wood, clay, ceramic, glass, or textile, in order to make objects and decorations (Penisulan 1). Consequently, it is used in family decoration and formation of items that are essential for the daily use. For instance, furniture, pots, and some utensils are the result of crafts. On the other hand, sculpture is the practice of shaping out the designs or figures in a relief, round, or intaglio manner. It is done through modeling, carving, or chiseling marble, clay, or metal. Sculptures find its uses in decoration purposes and preservation of history. For instance, there are sculptures of people erected in the different places of the world. Architecture is the art of designing and fashioning buildings. Its use lies in creation of the homes that we live in today. The following paper compares and contrast crafts, sculpture, and architecture.

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Craft, sculpture, and architecture are very different. In fact, the fundamental distinctions lie in the material and techniques used to create them. Craft, for instance, relies on wood, ceramic, clay, or any other natural resource. These objects are usually three-dimensional equipments. The woods are crafted by the skilled people, who come up with a particular item. There are core elements that define expertise creations. They are shape, mass, and space (Victoria and Albert Museum 1). The weight constitutes the material. For example, most of the traditional furniture was created out of wood. People acquired the skills through apprenticeship. In other words, they worked together with the experienced personnel. There are also pots that can emerge from modeling clay. In fact, they were very useful until the emergence of technology in the nineteenth century. Nevertheless, there are people, who have continued using it until this day.

The technique applied in sculpture is what distinguishes it from the craft. In essence, sculpture works through carving, altering, and eroding a material such as stone into a defined shape (Visual Arts 1). Other materials include jade and ivory. Sculpture, together with architecture, formed an essential part of monumental religious art in the early centuries. There are three core features that define sculpture. First, the sculpture has to be three-dimensional. Secondly, it is considered to be representational. In other words, it is not a real thing, but a reflection of reality. Thirdly, it is in solid form.

Effects of Crafts, Sculpture, and Architecture in the Community Around Them

Each form of art has a direct impact on the immediate community. Crafts, for example, have been a source of job for most people in the society. Traditional crafts, such as furniture and utensils, are for personal use. Moreover, they produce gift items. However, in the 20th century art was commercialized. Consequently, it has become one of the tourist trades that have been embraced by many people. Some places of the world are being visited by tourists only to get a visual exposure of a particular art. Most Europeans come to the developing world, where they emulate their skilled works. For example, the Maasai community is known for crafting jewelry. The work has had international recognition. Secondly, crafts act as a form of beautification. Most families’ decorations comprise of the art segments. A good example is the customized calabash that usually hangs on the walls of most African houses. The crafts depict the cultural lifestyle of a particular community. They also depict some of the things that community engages into.

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The sculpture plays almost similar roles. Apart from creating job opportunities, sculpture gives an ultimate definition of where the community has come to. For example, the religious segment of the Catholics has applied the use of sculpture in their churches. One can note the baby Jesus and his mother Mary represented in the set up. Consequently, sculpture gives a historical identity of the community. Other examples include the sculptures of heroes. Many communities all over the world have created artwork of people they would love to remember. They occur in the form of statues that take strategic points in the area. A Ball weevil in the United States was erected to remind people of an incident, where the community had an attack by a species of that weevil. Therefore, any visitor, who arrives in the locality, understands the experience the community has obtained.

Architecture affects the community around it as well. It defines the traditions of people. Various communities use different designs of building in erecting their structures. For example, the ancient Egypt applied the pyramids structure, while the antique African homes occur in a round manner (Art.Com 1). However, the advancement of technology has eroded some of the architectural designs. Most people currently embrace modern houses.

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Crafts, sculpture, and architecture merge to present an immense beautification of the community (Penulisan 1). In fact, a community, where these features apply, is attractive. For example, through architecture, a community can devise uniform houses that match their landscape. The design can be such that it distinguishes the community from others. Moreover, sculptures of people can be erected in the strategic points. The works of craft are usable for inside beautification of the houses. Needless to say, every human being desires an environment that is peaceful and stunning. The region becomes a source of inspiration to mankind. Life art is essential for the wellbeing of people. It enhances the interaction between the community members.


It is apparent that crafts, sculpture, and architecture are fundamental forms of art. While they are distinct in their features, their integration is indispensable for practicality and adornment of the community. Moreover, they are a source of livelihood to many people. Citizens make furniture and statues and sell them to the international guests. It is, therefore, advisable that the community continues embracing the types of art. Besides preserving their culture, they also create a harmonious environment for co-existence. I believe the diverse forms of art will continue to flourish.


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