Cloud Computing

“Cloud Computing – A Premier”, an article from The Internet Protocol Journal is written by T. Sridhar. The article discusses the models and technologies employed in cloud computing. Cloud computing is a technology that allows users to share the resources such as memory, operating system, software application, server, and network (Sridhar, n.d.). Due to it, the organizations can save the costs associated with a purchasing, installing, and maintaining of a computer infrastructure as it is performed on the server by service providers.

Cloud computing allows users to expand and reduce the resources according to their requirements that classifies it as being scalable. This means that users can use a large number of resources for a specific duration of time, and release them after the actions are complete. Moreover, it permits clients to pay for services on a per-use basis. In addition, cloud computing allows users to use resources on a demand-basis, which means that the services cease to be a part of the IT infrastructure of organization when is not in use. In case of a problem on a server, the work is transferred to other servers either through virtual or physical means without user noticing it. As a result, cloud computing allows to relocate the workloads from one server to another for clients to have an access to the good services.

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Most cloud computing service providers implement the concept of virtualization. Therefore, this helps to transfer the workloads easily from one virtual machine to another, as opposed to physical workload migration. Furthermore, it helps to isolate the server failures by migrating services from one storage device to another.

The major models in cloud computing include software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS). Naturally, software as a service enables organizations and individuals to access the utilities hosted by a service provider through the internet, and pay only for the servicing. Consequently, this saves the money and time required for the installation, upgrading, and maintaining a software or hardware by individuals and organizations as it is accomplished by the service providers. The next model, platform as a service, allows users to create their own applications, and host them on the platform. And the last one, infrastructure as a service, provides users with the framework including the storage, CPU time, and network, which allow clients to install or update the operating systems, applications, and databases at any time.

Moreover, cloud computing is categorized into a public, private and internal cloud. The first one, the public cloud, provides users with the external services through the Internet; it is managed by the service providers. The other one, the internal cloud, is supported by the IT departments allowing it to provide the different sections with the services from the data centers of organization (Sridhar, n.d.). And finally, the private cloud enables users to have a full control of their services, while the provider does not have such one.

Whereas many companies and organizations implement cloud computing, there are gaps that are of concern, and need to be addressed to the technology to be fully trusted. The gaps include a security, implementation at the network layers, integration of different cloud providers, and legal and regulatory issues (Sridhar, n.d.).

The author tries to demonstrate the technologies behind the cloud computing and its working. The writer of the article explains the different models in cloud computing and explores the major concerns of the technology. He/she discusses the advantages of cloud computing, and how the organizations can utilize the technology to save the costs. The article is of a great significance as it explains how a new technology works, and how it benefits the organizations.

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On the whole, most businesses and organizations use emerging technologies to reduce expenditure and maximize profits. In conclusion, the article is worth reading, more so, by organizations, which intend to utilize the emerging technologies to minimize costs and increase a revenue. The IT professionals should also read the article in order to be up-to-date with the embryonic technologies, and implement it in their organizations. The application developers can also benefit from the technology as they may find platform as a service (PaaS) very important when developing their software.


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