International Journal of Cloud Computing

“Cloud Computing: Present Status and Future Implications” from the International Journal of Cloud Computing written by P. Sasikala discusses the present status of cloud computing and its applications in businesses, government institutions, and public universities. It states that cloud computing allows users to access the services whenever they want, and automatically “provision” all the items they may require, for example, a memory, bandwidth, or time not involving the service providers (Sasikala, 2011). Furthermore, it controls the use of resources without assistance of a person and enables their scaling by users.

According to the author, cloud computing services include software as a service, platform as a service, infrastructure as a service, and data storage as a service. Software as a service enables clients to access cloud services through the web browsers and pay only for the services they use. Platform as a service, in its turn, allows a deployment of applications developed by using the various programming languages. In this case, the developers do not have a control over the underlying architecture, but have a full control over the developed applications. Considering the infrastructure as a service, it allows users to access the infrastructure counting a processor time, network, and memory, where they can install different software including the operating systems. Finally, due to the data as a service users could virtually store their data and retrieve them on-demand.

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The various cloud computing models include the private, community, public, and hybrid ones (Sasikala, 2011). To start with the private cloud, it is implemented and managed by the organizations either on their premises or at different locations. The next one, the public cloud, is owned by service providers, and accessed by a large number of users. One more model, the community cloud, allows its services to be shared by different organizations with the same goals. And the last one, the hybrid cloud, combines two or more models discussed above.

Generally, cloud computing can be viewed in two perspectives: a user point of view and service provider one. The users are only interested in the services being provided but do not bother about the hardware, network, and management, while service providers check into the maintenance, upgrade, and distribution of services.

The National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) is determined to develop the standards that would govern cloud computing. Several groups such as Cloud Security Alliance, Distributed Management Task Force, and Object Management Group are developing and testing the running standards that would control cloud computing (Sasikala, 2011).

India, being one of the countries that embrace technology, has adopted cloud computing among many organizations. Therefore, it helps them to reduce costs of buying, installing, and maintaining IT infrastructure. As the technology gains a wide spread use, many professionals in the field need to be trained with accordance to the effective management. The technology, however, faces challenges such as reliability, security, and service provider migration (Sasikala, 2011). Despite all, it benefits organizations as they do not part with the huge amount of money purchasing, installing, upgrading, and maintaining IT infrastructure as this is done by service providers.

The Author of the article explores the benefits that organizations, including governments, can achieve by implementing cloud computing. He also discusses the challenges that the technology faces including the lack of standards and regulations.

This is a compulsory for reading article for the IT professionals and organizations owing to the benefits of cloud computing that it describes. Moreover, it gives the IT professionals a new career path to be taken. Cloud computing is a technology that would greatly save organizations from the enormous expenses required when buying, installing, and maintaining IT infrastructure. The organizations use cloud services on-demand, and only pay for the services they use.


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