Collective Bargaining Unit

The major reason why unions are turning to collaboration during this time of economic meltdown and work adversity is to create an organization that recognizes their individual contributions towards the achievement of organizational goals. The concept of unions building a collective bargaining unit is to pool resources together and empower themselves economically using the work place as the springboard in goal realization. The bargaining power of a given group relies on the numbers and group focus.

The code name Saturn aimed at creating a different work environment where workers can have a sense of belonging and taking ownership of what they did from the norm. According to the program, there was the need to change the existing management style, in a different environment without necessarily changing the existing management. The idea was to put new processes, product quality and a very new route to market to gain General Motor car consumer acceptance and confidence.

This ambitious program did more harm than good to the existing car brand; it cannibalized the existing GM car market as the brands retailed more than the competitions especially those from the Japanese manufacturers. As much as the Saturn brand gained popularity, the market response was low leading its sale out to other assemblers and closure of all dealer outlets.

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The Saturn program mainly failed because it was not consumer oriented and failed in achieving the desired human resource management approach. The idea focused more on the Saturn as a brand but failed to address the needs of customers. Also the pricing was not right, and buyers started to prefer other brands that were cheaper. The whole project was not sustainable and, as subsidiary of General Motors, Saturn idea was to sustain its operations and give full support to their dealers with after sales service and parts. Given these circumstances, the Saturn brand name and production rights were sold.


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