Iceman mystery story

Iceman mystery is a story written by Stephen Hall and narrates a death that happened more than five thousand years ago. This story portrays a gruesome death of a man popularly known as Iceman or Ötzi at the top of Alps Mountains at the border of Italy and Austria. The discovery of the body of the Iceman has brought many aspects of the man in the limelight, despite having died many years ago. Technological advancements have also been highlighted in this narrative and its ability to lead to historical discoveries.

The body of Ötzi was found in the Alps by hikers in 1991. Later, it was transported to South Tyrol museum in Italy. While at the museum, many researchers have continued to make discoveries every time technology changes. Initially, many questions regarding the Iceman existed. Some have already been answered while others are yet to find answers. Moreover, even some questions that researchers thought had been answered have been nullified by further discoveries contributed to by the technological advancement. The history and journey of the Iceman has been constructed by researchers using scientific research and technologies. A researcher named Wolfgang Muller used the knowledge of isotopes to determine the probable place where Ötzi lived before his death. He compared the type of isotope in the Iceman’s bones with those found in the soil in the valley near where the body was found. He concluded that he lived at Valle Isarco since isotopes in this region’s soil marched those of the Iceman. Moreover, the researcher examined mica found in Iceman’s intestines to determine the region where it came from.

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Questions about the cause of death of Iceman led to many speculations. Examinations performed on the intestines and a fingernail indicated that the Iceman had suffered from certain illnesses four times before he embarked on the mountain journey. This discovery led to some conclusion that he may have died of illness. This claim was given weight by the discovery of a whip worm in his intestines, which pointed to the possibility of stomach distress. Klaus Oeggl, an archaeobotanist at Innsbruck University was actually able to establish a diet that probably was eaten by Iceman and his folks. He found residues of primitive wheat and a speck of charcoal. This meant that people during that historical period used to bake grounded wheat to form bread by burning it on fire.

Availability of technology and scientific research knowledge enabled researchers to reconstruct the final journey of the Iceman up to the point where he died, including the time of the year. From the examination of pollen and plant remains in the gut of the Iceman, his journey was tracked started in the low-altitude deciduous forests in the spring. These remains indicated that he did not move straight, but rather in up and down directions to avoid thick forests and hilly terrain. He stopped to have a rest in a pass that gave him some protection from the wind, but did not come out of it alive. Researchers have found out that Ötzi was killed, but the motives behind the killing remain elusive. Murder as the means through which the Iceman died was confirmed by an arrowhead made of stone that was found stuck on the shoulder blade of the Iceman. The absence of the arrow shaft indicated that those who had killed the Iceman removed the shaft in an attempt to hide their identity. Moreover, the presence of a silver axe at the crime scene showed that the killers of iceman did not want to be identified by being in possession of the axe since it indicated that Iceman was a man with considerable influence in his society.


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