King Duncan

The king was yesterday murdered in cold blood at Inverness in what appeared to be a carefully orchestrated plan of a royal insider.

King Duncan of Scotland hiccupped his last when a top general in his army executed a plan intended to see him exit the scene. Macbeth, a top security man of the king is suspected to have committed the crime in order to allow him ascend to the throne.

The crime was committed yesterday night when the king decided to spend at his quarters in Macbeth’s Inverness castle. It is said that he then found the chance to execute a plan that they have hatched with his wife for some time now but have not been able to find their victim.

According to our investigative reporters, there is sufficient ground to believe the suspect committed the crime before letting his wife cover up for it by framing the king’s servants for the murder as she placed bloody daggers near them.

These allegations were later corroborated by the murdering of the guards by the suspect before they were even allowed to protest their innocence. Sources present disclosed that the anger was feigned.

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According to Macduff, the loyal Thane of Fife who discovered the corpse and saw the killing of the guards, the anger was feigned and seemed to mask something.

“He seemed to be feigning the anger and there must have been something up his sleeves,” he said in reference to the culprit.

Sources close to the two who sought anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter revealed to our news desk that Macbeth harbored the ambitions of becoming King but had always seen Duncan as a barrier. Sought for his comments, the culprit refused to talk to the media but all is not lost on the readers that he now remains the top most official and no one can dare question him.


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