How to Write an Introduction Correctly

How to Write an Introduction Correctly

The student can reveal the topic, summarizes the main ideas and thoughts with the help of the introduction. In addition, creating this part of research is very useful for students to learn how to express their thoughts and express point of view not only verbally, but in written form too.

First, it is necessary to determine the subject and object of research, the purpose of the work, to indicate the tasks assigned, and only then, you can write about why this topic is relevant now. As you can see, the introduction is a visiting card of your work, and therefore it should be written in the most interesting and even intriguing way.

As a rule, it is the most difficult part of the paper, because the work has not been written yet, and it is necessary to formulate the main tasks and methods of investigating the problem. In addition, you must try to fit the information on one or two pages.

Size of Introduction

Note that the introduction is not a large part of the work. Usually, it takes one or two pages. In addition to presenting goals and objectives, it will also be necessary to indicate the sources that were used for creating a paper. It can be popular science and periodical literature.

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Analysis of Scientific Sources

It is interesting and lively to present an introduction in the form of combining and interlacing several opinions on an issue. The interest lies in the fact that someone supports the chosen topic and someone else sets goals and objectives. It is important to take into account the fact that the introduction demonstrates a plan of forthcoming actions and conclusions of the authors, but not the whole result of the work.

Clarity is the Main Thing

Concentrate on the most important thing. Do not write a lot of unnecessary words. Your goal is to interest the reader, to explain what you have researched, in an understandable and simple form. Think about the introduction when your paper will be almost ready. First, learn the body of the text, analyze the sources, select the main authors, and then determine the object and subject of the research, set a specific goal and plan the steps to achieve it. As you can see, creating an introduction is a simple, interesting and creative process.

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