Air Arabia Customer Care


Air Arabia is one the members of the Arab Air Carriers Organization with the headquarters location in Sharjah airport Freight center in the United Arab Emirates, 15 kilometers away from central Dubai. As of February 2014, the airlines serve ninety airports in the Middle East, North Africa, Asia and Europe. Its latest destination is Cairo, Egypt. Flight International (2011) reports that the Air Arabia consists of 35 in service aircraft, 15 orders aircraft with an approximately three years and are all equipped with 162/168 passenger seats.


Air Arabia is rated a 3-star low cost airline in the region as compared to others like Qatar Airways, which enjoy a 5-star status, and Etihad and Emirates having a 4-star status. One of the reasons for Air Arabia low rating could be its low customer care, loyalty and relations. Qatar Airlines, for example, offer the business class passengers with seats that are arranged in 1-2-1 design, providing almost twice bigger space. The seats can stretch out up to 172 degrees, and they are equipped with massage utilities. Moreover, each seat has been fitted with an android powered screen for passengers to watch (Pilling, 2008). Persons with disabilities are also considered to meet their specific needs. In addition, there is a reward program, which offers an airline passenger points for the amount of money they spent on tickets. The amassed points can be used to purchase a ticket for another flight travel. In the case of delays, the Emirates Airline invests in customer care in terms of covering the hotel services for their customers. At times, taxi and meal vouchers are arranged for customers and delivery of luggage to the travelers in cases of mishandling. The Emirate Airlines take a customer-centered approach even if they suffer losses in the process of quality delivery.

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The Air Arabian airline is not considerate to customers to the sufficient degree. There was an instance when passengers had to be disembarked after the plane, on which they were traveling, experienced some sparks. The passengers had to complain after waiting for an hour in the lounge. The travelers were later told that the flight had to be rescheduled. However, customer care was not up to the standard as there was no compensation offered, no meals provided, and no hotel rooms reserved for the passengers.

In order to improve the customer care, Air Arabia should introduce innovative features and have a customer loyalty program through proposals that would increase customer satisfaction. The company should offer passengers the lowest available fare and that they should be attributable to the time of travel. Their sales personnel should assist passengers in getting alternative lower price on the flight schedules. Based on the nature of the delay, the customers should be offered adequate snack, meal or beverage services. The company should respond to customer complaints regarding their services or products and improve the areas with problems. The strategy can be structured through customer relations. Quality customer service should be encouraged by the partners to offer matching services. In addition, baggage delivery should be done on time for the clients, and the standard of delivery should be within 24-hour duration. Compensation should be offered to customers who incur expenses due to baggage delay. Moreover, passengers with disabilities and special needs should be provided with a caring unit with an advance notification from the client to arrange for available services early. Air Arabia airlines should give proper information to passengers about the offered policies and services through the company website. Information should concern important terms about the tickets and travel procedure including flight cancellation, changes on the aircraft on a single flight, and information on the frequencies of the flying program (Widzer, 2001).


Air Arabia can gain customer loyalty through excellent service. Through effective customer care and constant improvement the company can become the next big airline. It should execute the proposed plans for customer care strategy over the next three years to make the evolution. With increasing investments in technology, innovations and dedication to the customers, Air Arabia can prepare to rise to greater heights.


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