American Cancer Society

American Cancer Society (ACS) is a nonprofit health organization whose main concern is to stop cancer which is a major health problem (American Cancer Society, 2012). The organization helps in educating people on better ways of living in order to stay well, help cancer patients get cured, reduce cancer agony, and fight the disease. It collaborates with cancer organizations around the globe to ensure its mission is accomplished. It helps save lives of people by advocating for healthy ways of eating, educating people to perform active roles or do exercises, stop smoking, and get screened for cancer.


The Boards of Directors at the organization’s twelve divisions are responsible for the marketing function in American Cancer Society. The directors are responsible for developing marketing plans that assist the organization to market their services. Each Division has an integrated marketing plan whose main objective is to create awareness. They market in various media, send mails directly to individuals and groups, develop and distribute brochures, and organize road shows. It also uses volunteers to help disseminate information and services to every community.  The Boards of Directors also perform both market and cancer related research to identify the most vulnerable group so as to come up with effective strategies to serve them well.

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American Cancer Society usually advertises on television, radio, websites, newspapers and billboards. It usually forms campaign teams which mostly consist of volunteers to create cancer awareness.  The organization normally prints T-shirts and banners for such teams. This helps in advertising its intension. Its website,, contains information that enables people to know about the services they offer and various topics about cancer. It also uses local radio to inform people on any major cancer campaign they undertake in a region.  

Whereas there are various types of cancer, American Cancer Society is currently undertaking a major campaign on breast cancer. This is because, through its research, it has found that many women die of breast cancer unknowingly. The organization is currently carrying a campaign that helps prevent and control breast cancer in women. The campaign utilizes radio and print media to make women aware of the existence of breast cancer and the benefits of breast screening to detect presence of breast cancer early. It encourages women to go for free breast screening and treatment in the centers they have established. It also educates treated women on how they should live as they recover.

Just like profit making organizations, nonprofit making organizations have found social media a convenient and effective tool for marketing.  American Cancer Society makes use of various social media marketing tools to market their products and services (American Cancer Society, 2012). It has a Facebook fan page, American Cancer Society, where fans discuss issues related to cancer, ask cancer related questions, and make donations to the organization. It also has American Cancer Soc fan page on Twitter and AmerCancerSociety channel on You Tube.


American Cancer Society is a nonprofit organization which utilizes its Boards of Directors in all Divisions to develop marketing plans and market their services. It utilizes volunteers to create cancer awareness. Moreover, the organization has realized the benefits of marketing using social media and uses Facebook, Twitter, and You Tube to market their services.


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