Dental Hygiene

Dental hygiene refers to the process of keeping the teeth and mouth clean. This helps to prevent dental diseases like dental caries and gingivitis. Additionally dental hygiene helps avoid other associated problems like bad breath among others. Dental hygiene is crucial for recovery and regeneration of oral tissues during certain conditions, for example, wisdom tooth extraction.

Dental hygiene is practiced during the cleaning of teeth that entails the removal of dirt or dental plaque. Cleaning and maintenance of the teeth is crucial to avoid tooth loss a problem that most adults are battling. Tooth decay is a disease that is affecting a vast population in the whole world. A greater percentage of cavities occur in small openings and fissures found on chewing surfaces. The reason underlying the occurrence of these cavities on these particular surfaces is; tooth brushes cannot reach particles of food lodged in the teeth after every meal, while fluoride cannot get there to neutralize acids and enrich the teeth with minerals. Surfaces that are easily reached are often affected by few cavities.

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The trapping of food particles is prevented by the application of fissure sealants on the molars and premolars. These sealants also help to stop the decaying of teeth. To enhance deeper penetration of the sealants and toothpaste an instrument known as an elastometer strip is used.

A number of oral hygiene measures have been of great assistance when cleaning the teeth. The kind of tools used in cleaning the teeth varies from one individual to the other. In India, neem tree and its products are used to make twigs and other products used in teeth cleaning. People chew edges of the neem twigs until they take after the spiky parts of toothbrushes, and then use them to clean their teeth.

The Muslim people use a root with antiseptic properties to brush their teeth, the root is referred to as Siwak. On the other hand rubbing of the teeth with soda was widely practiced.

Health experts’ advice that teeth be cleaned and treated professionally for at least two times a year. Apart from cleanings of a dental doctor, effective oral hygiene is paramount for one to prevent the staining of teeth by tartar that is a cause for many teeth problems. Dentist’s cleaning differs with personal cleaning since it involves careful and repeated brushing while using both a toothbrush and a dental floss hence ensuring that no tartar accumulates around the teeth.

Plaque simply refers to a yellow film that feels sticky which stains the teeth. Plaque plays host to a bacteria that is responsible for converting carbohydrates into acids that take away minerals from the teeth. This demineralization of the teeth results into cavities due to several attacks over a long period in which demineralization outweighs fluorides for mineralization.

Occasionally plaque causes itching to the gums, reddening them, softening and easy to bleed. Exceptionally the gums bulge away from the teeth, leaving cavities that are occupied by bacteria and a yellow substance called pus. If this condition is not rectified, bones surrounding the teeth might be destroyed. This condition makes the teeth loose and may lead to removal of the teeth.

These dental problems can be prevented by changing of bad eating habits. Periodontal disease and other dental disorders may be prevented and managed easily by eating of a balanced diet, supplemented by uncooked vegetables, fruits and cheese. Using of dental floss is a significant element as far as oral hygiene is considered, since it helps flush out of the teeth clogged food and tartar affecting the teeth. Flossing for genuine tooth-by-tooth cleaning is advisable to be done for minimally once in a day, especially before the use of a quality fluoride toothpaste to ensure better mineralization of tooth. Cleaning of the tongue is inevitable, since it removes a certain coating of bacteria that is responsible for bad breath or, dead cells among other many harmful things. Good oral health could be perfected by massaging of the gums while using toothbrush bristles. ­

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Fluoride is the major protector from dental cavities. Therefore, fluoride should be added to water used for drinking, as this will help supply the teeth with much fluoride alongside toothpaste. Other foods rich in calcium and phosphate should be consumed in reasonable amounts to help the teeth be stronger. Fiber rich foods should also be taken, as this will greatly help to boost the floor of saliva, which serves like a fluoride supplement.­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­

Ignorance has largely cost people their teeth and hence giving those turbulent times when food that requires chewing is offered to them. Losing of teeth has not only affected individuals but also their families. Families, especially those dependent on lean incomes have used a lot of money to get medical services at the expense of family needs.

Due to the high cost of living many people find it costly to pay a dentist a visit or investing in buying of toothbrushes. Here we find alternative ancient tools of ensuring that teeth are cleaned and maintained. There is helpful information on how the teeth’s strength can be fortified through embracing good dietary habits that include eating of fruits, taking of milk and foods rich in calcium and phosphate minerals that are very responsible in the formation of strong bones. Some foods are also dangerous to the health of teeth, since they create favorable conditions for bacteria to thrive and eventually lead to loss of teeth. Among the foods that should not be eaten in large are snacks and sugary foods for healthier teeth and comfortable lives. As a dentist, I will dedicate my time towards reaching the public and train them on how to maintain teeth through thorough cleaning. In my communal service, I will take upon the obligation of appealing to the government to help meet a portion of medical service charges and reducing the prices of essential commodities used in cleaning and maintaining the teeth. Through these efforts, the idea of dental hygiene will undergo a tremendous growth. On the other hand membership in groups and associations will help in taking my profession to another level. As witnessed in the uniform resource locator ( In my view this website highlights wonderful approaches that will contribute greatly in the dream of good health.

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