Infectious Diseases
The authors introduce infectious diseases as quite troublesome with the ability to cause challenges at all levels of life. The authors claim that infectious diseases have disapproved the theory of Charles Darwin and actually it has been shown that the diseases have the ability to be in any host: whether human or animal. The authors have made a claim that the ability of the disease to be hosted in any host, animal or human, is proving to be a serious matter to mankind. The authors are quick to remind the readers of the recent outbreak of avian influenza as they try to show the deadly impact and ability to affect even those who are remotely located from the outbreak zone. The authors remind the readers that those diseases that affect people have got the ability to cause poverty and a lot of civil unrest. The social economic life is reported to be completely affected by these diseases (Karesh and Cook 3).
The authors further reveal shocking statistics in reference to infectious diseases claiming that 60 of the diseases known to the medical world have got the ability of affecting both the animals as well as the human beings. They further claim that most the diseases originated from the animals and crossed over to affect people: as well other are found in human beings but can as well cross over to the animals. The authors use the illustration of small pox to show the danger of a disease finding a host in an animal. They claim that though small pox has been eradicated, this was largely because it only had one host. In situation where a disease has got more than one host it becomes hard to track the disease. The authors further give the example of HIV/AIDS and Ebola in further showing the danger posed by diseases which have got the ability to affect both human beings and animals. Other diseases mentioned in the article by the authors include SARS (Karesh and Cook 5).
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The implications of these diseases on international trade have been severe. Trade on animals has had to be stooped many a times to prevent the fast spreading of the disease. An illustration to show this is when SARS broke out in China: many animals were confiscated from the markets. The demand for animal meat has been great. This has led to animals trading and made it possible for animals to be moved around the world. If the animals being moved around the happen to be infected, the possibility of the whole world being infected is quite high (Karesh and Cook 5).
The authors suggest a numbers of measures which ought to be taken to ensure that infectious diseases are controlled and do not get out of hand. The authors advocate for a unified effort from all the nations of the world. The authors in particular mention the World Conservation Union’s Veterinary Specialist Group as one such effort which will help in an effect fight against the spreading of infectious diseases. Some of the studies advocate for the vaccination of animals because most of them have been shown to have weak immune systems which makes them easily accessible to diseases. The authors claim that if such steps are taken then it will be possible to prevent the diseases from accessing the animals and hence will become more manageable. The author also argues for the cooperation of world nations to set up rules concerning trading of animals so as to prevent of diseases across the borders. On the same note of international cooperation, the authors argue that information concerning these infections should be freely shared to ensure effectiveness in fighting infectious diseases across the globe. The authors conclude by strongly advocating for the building of scientific bridges and reduction in the trade of animals. The authors are also not of the opinion of expert controlled, top-down paradigm but rather they should be an understanding that the only one world exists and only one health (Karesh and Cook 7).