
Smoking seems to bring people who smoke together; having something in common this mainly involve them in one activity of sharing a cigarette. It is not a rare case, when one starts smoking along with their friends. Consequently, the percentage of smokers has increased significantly from 1998 to 2007 according to the Florida Youth Survey (Weitz).

Rich people can afford the purchase of the expensive cigarettes that are very harmful to their health. Muslim community has a different attitude to smoking as it is forbidden by the Koran teaching, which encourages them to resist anything that affects human will. Therefore, the position of the people towards smoking tend to change under the different circumstances that depend on their social belongings (API Healthline).

A change in attitude towards the use of smoking tobacco has been a part of arrangements in factors contributing to the overall decline in smoking during the last years. According to the RWJF investment, the youth and mature people have become more negative towards smoking in the past decades. RWJF programmes and activities aimed at changing the social norms and activities have contributed to the decline of use of tobacco among the young generation. It was achieved by involving them in anti-smoking communication campaign and increasing the global support.

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Contradicting the protective position of King, Haviland indicates that companies responsible for the manufacturing and supplying of cigarettes by leading the anti-tobacco campaign, at the same time, they confuse the importance and urgency of the issue of health of the whole nation.

From the other hand, concerning the King, the free choice of people is being abused by the numerous restrictions in public places and attitudes towards the smoking ones. Anty-tobaco campaign harms the feelings of those who prefer to enjoy the life without any constraints.

Use of tobacco has infected many lives of people in the United States of America, claiming more than 50 million lives that do not possess medical insurance to help themselves. However, hating of cigarette smokers should not be the most critical element one should be involve in because they predominate in both, male and female groups.


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