Midsummer Nights Dream

A right that the father against his daughter in A Midsummer Night’s Dream is that it becomes to choose who she wants to marry. The father has this obligation because it believes it has the best knowledge of his daughter to choose what is absolutely the best for her, not to mention the law. If the girl did not obey his father that his father has the option to assign him to death or a life of celibacy in a monastery.

One of the functions of a daughter to his father in A Midsummer Night’s Dream is that she must obey him at all times. An example of what’s Hermia, according to his father to marry Demetrius. Hermia is in love with Demetrius and states that his father, Aegeus and Theseus, Duke of Athens. Both say that it must obey her father or face the consequences. Hermia father demands that the laws punish his daughter if she did not do as he says. The father and daughter how to behave in the eyes of the law not only under the authority above, but also authority sanctions if not obeyed.

Yes, men have more rights than women. Men not only make decisions in their lives, but also their wives and daughters of many choices, so that relationships between men and women unequally. life of a woman is considered less valuable than a man when it comes to women making their own decisions in life. Men believe that women are not able to, and may make poor decisions and ruining their lives. Once again, the example I use is not wanting Hermia to marry Demetrius because of his love for Lisa. If the father is totally against the demands of love and marry Demetrius, Hermia to no control over their own decisions.

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When Shakespeare wrote A Midsummer Night’s Dream he wanted to send a message to the Queen and he did this by allowing the characters in the play to fall in love with different ones as time went on. I believe Shakespeare’s plan was to open the Queens eyes through the audience’s reaction to the idea that one could love someone, and then another. A father making the choice of who his daughter marries is out dated and should be abolished. Not only should the daughter have the right to marry who she wants, but she should also have the right to fall in love more than once.

I believe the Queen would have received this message with an open mind. She may not agree with everything but I believe she would at least have given it much thought and then possibly considered what the people’s reaction was to the story. This would help her understand her people more and hopefully make decisions taking in consideration their feelings. I believe this was Shakespeare’s attempt when writing this play. Shakespeare is also attempting to better define how one should be treated under the laws of the Queen. Dominion comes into play when speaking about this. Shakespeare tried to relay the message that it is wrong for the Queen to use her powers for absolute power over the people’s lives.


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