Ideal Musical Composition

The general character of the music was a feeling of happiness and profound relaxation making it appear quite exuberant. First, the singers integrated their voices quite perfectly that the overall sound was clearly of a high quality. Besides, they were only loud enough to keep the audience interested, as generating the music towards noise would significantly have reduced its taste. Although the performers were quite a number, their voices were perfectly trained to remain at acceptable levels and not degenerate into the “musical noise”. For instance, there was a clear connection between the sopranos and the tenors when they got to sing together as the other voices went silent. The same connection was evident between the basses and the altos. Although the tempos of the individual voices would sometimes vary, the singers knew when to get their voices back together without any single group lagging behind the others. That essentially produced a good rhythmic flexibility that is characteristic of an ideal musical composition with no sudden contrasts (H. Dane 1976).

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The musical form of the composition was quite easy to grasp as one built around repetitions and voice variations. This is because it was organized in such a way that the verses were quite distinct from the refrain in virtually every aspect. For instance, while all the singers would be involved in singing the refrain only selected voices would participate in singing individual verses. This gave an ideal mix, especially considering that different voices would sing different verses thereby creating a sense of diversity in the song. In addition, the music had the involvement of instrumentals to accompany the vocals. This implied that several sections of the music went without vocals as the instrumentals played. In particular, the instrumentals played at the beginning of the song and also at the very end of the music. However, a variety of instrumentals also played in between the verses creating an ideal sense of musicality. These instrumentals integrated so well with the voices as they basically bore the same melody as the refrain. As such, they played a role in preparing the audience for the next verse by releasing the musical tension arising from continuous singing. Moreover, the instrumentals played in between the verses were quite similar to one another giving a perfect sense of uniformity for the song (Small C. 1977).

The musical composition was organized in such a way that the climax appeared towards the end of the song. This was particularly unique considering that most climaxes usually occur in the middle of the song. However, the composition achieved the climax quite perfectly by integrating it in the vocals, as well as the message in the composition. Besides, the singers did not disappoint either, as their facial expressions revealed the real happiness the song was emphatic about. Although, the tone of the song remained mostly unchanged, the musical section clearly stuck out as the most emphatic part of the composition. In addition, the period of the composition was typically composed of one antecedent phrase and a consequent phrase that generally varied in length depending on the tempo adopted for the various sections. The ending of the antecedent was generally of a weaker cadence than the consequent, although both cadences were quite authentic. However, the two formed an ideal parallel, and in most cases sharing a great deal of their materials. This was quite evident in all sections of the music except for the final measures that bore a significant difference. This was a typical musical composition of the classical genre due to the fact that it entailed a great deal of forms and styles of diverse historical backgrounds. Besides, the performers seemed to perfectly understand the written quality of the musical composition (C. H. Cope 1978).

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In conclusion, the annual UC-Davis Symphony concert at the UC-Davis had several lesions for the attendants. For instance, it provided an opportunity for them to understand the historical perspective of the concert and why so much emphasis has been put on it over the years. Besides, the audience was treated to a complex musical composition in which the performing force, form, texture and character was quite easy to elucidate. Moreover, the composer’s idea of placing the climax towards the end of the music had a profound effect in revealing the main message, as well as the genre of the composition (H. Dane 1976).


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