Pop Art

Pop Art was defined as the artistic phenomenon that was closely linked to the 1960s’ spirit in the United States. It gave rise to a multisided neo-figurative movement that could be viewed with different perceptions. The artists had a double language, in that; they were both dissidents and propagandist. The 1960s was characterized by political assassinations, war in Vietnam, Cuban crisis and the Civil Rights Movement. The artists, who were then becoming politically aware, sought to take sides. They published a petition, entitled End Your Silence bearing their signatures, to call for the end of Vietnam War. They erected a tower of protest, painted images that captured the horrors of police brutality and the war in Vietnam in protest. Interestingly, Pop Art turned out be an apologist of the government outside the United States.

The author of American Pop Art and political engagement in the 1960s is trying to analyze the Pop Art’s double image that it portrayed at the time. The author bases her argument in the social and political scenarios that affected America in the 1960s. She is critical of the mirror analogy and the chameleon attitude adopted by the Pop Art. According to her, they portrayed dissidence and propaganda, subversion and conformism, integration and rejection, illegibility and legibility.

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The author’s critique of the Pop Art’s chameleon attitude is in order. She proves it by referring to several cases. A casing is when they rigorously took part in protests only to be apologetic for the same government outside the US. Her argument is that the Pop Art’s change of cause and portrayal of various connotations denies spectators the meaning of their work. I agree with the author since she clearly outlines both sides as portrayed by the Pop Art.

The Art and Thoughts article connects the relationship between art and thoughts. One can trace visual thinking by analyzing art. The children, for instance, often give rough approximations of the shapes and spatial relations. This is because their minds operate in elementary forms. As their age progresses, their art tends to become more organized and precise.

The author of the article Art and Thought tries to show the relationship between the artist’s thoughts and their work. He tries to show that visual arts are a home-ground of visual thinking. The author compares different works of art painted by artists at different stages in life i.e. a toddler, a kid and an adult. By carefully studying the paintings, he argues that one can have an idea of the artist’s intelligence level.

However, the perspective from which the author tries to determine the artist’s intelligence is not comprehensive and accurate. This is because art tends to reflect the artist’s thoughts momentarily and this may change with time. Although art can be used as a tool to determine the level of intelligence, the author’s argument does not show how to accurately to it.

Nowadays, pieces of art get into the headlines because of their staggering price tags. Over the last three decades, the cognoscenti of the art world have created a climate whereby art’s meaning’ purpose and aesthetic value has been lost. According to the author of Epiphany at the Museum this is changing. Recently, significant museums in Europe and the United States have hosted prominent art exhibitions. They are exploring art’s meaning and purpose to humankind. They include “Traces of Sacred” held in Paris and “After Nature” held in New York City.

The author is retracing the steps when postmodern art started to stray away from the purpose set by its predecessors. He argues that modern art has lost the essence of spirituality and has been lost into the multimillion-dollar world. He asserts the art establishment has always been an arbiter of culture. He refers to the numerous art exhibitions in galleries hosted by different cities across the globe showcasing a specific theme. This has played a deep role in creating awareness among the people. A clear example is the ‘After Nature’ gallery at the new Museum in New York City whose purpose was to sound the alarm and catalyze change to save our planet.

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I concur with the author’s argument. He has clearly answered the question he posed at the beginning and made significant references to address it. The several exhibitions help in various parts of the world focusing on art’s purpose and spirituality demonstrate the recent changes.


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