Politically Liberal Brains

This essay compares the views of two articles on left and right politics. The articles were originally posted in the ‘National Post’ and in LA times. This essay will identify any biases which are in the articles and finally side with one of the articles.

This article contains a report of a poll carried out in Canada to find out whether the Canadians perceive any difference between the left and right politics. According to the National Post (2004), a large number of Canadians do not know the difference between the left and the right politics (National Post Para. 1). The article quotes Bashevkin linking this confusion to Canada’s party politics which he claims, “have been overlaid with regionalism” (National Post Para. 7). There are further claims in the article that the Canadian people are ‘highly consensual’ hence the Canadians will tend to be comfortable when gathered in the political center. The article claims that the Canadian society is built on commonality (National Post Para. 9). The article at the end adapts the oxford Canadian dictionary definition of the left wing and right wing. The definition associates the left wing with socialism or radicalism views in a political party. The right wing is depicted as the reactionary or conservative views of a political system.

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This article is a report of a research carried out to find out whether the brains of the left wings are the same as those of the right wings. The research was based on 43 college students; the students were required to range their political orientations among other activities (Munger Para. 3). The sample students took some more tests which were computer enhanced to find out their ability to resist and oppose issues. The results of the research implied that the liberals were better at resisting as compared to conservatives (Munger Para. 5).

The research result implies that the brains of liberals are such that they have the ability to pose a strong response in the presence of strong opposition. The article goes further to use this analysis to explain why the former president of U.S. was so adamant with the Iraq issue despite the opposition which he faced with respect to the Iraq war. The article also claims that the conservatives are never willing to engage in complex arguments thus they choose not to oppose strong views when such are presented in their way (Munger Para. 7).

I found the first article quite simple and to the point. It presents a fact which I readily support. The left and right wing politics are not very much pronounced in Canada as they are in the United States therefore it is a high possibility that majority of the Canadians might not be aware of the difference. The politics of that region is not sharply divided into the left and right systems. I side with this article on that basis.

I find the second article quite wanting. First the research sample taken of forty three students was by far too minimal to make such a conclusion as linking presidential decisions to brain oppositions. It should be noted that for a presidential decision to be made on issues as war, it takes many brains and many factors are put into consideration. Therefore I find this article too radical and quite baseless especially on the point of linking such sensitive issues as Iraq war to the resistivity of somebody’s brain.


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