U.S. Presidential Campaigns

During the 1983 presidential campaigns in the U.S, a starling instance of the effects of use of television can be observed when the misstatements of Reagan received less criticism. New York Time reports that the aides of President Reagan were surprised that he had given vague accounts of his leadership principles of the present events in general. The New York times reports that the President made assertions that needed to be criticized but the news did not question them as well as they used to. According to a number of White House officials, the decline in news criticism and in-depth analysis is a reflection of reduced level of interest by the public. This illustration is regarded as less valuable to be covered in the news and it is not as a result of the influence of Ronald Reagan. It is a condition in which news is defined and believed. This would be somehow surprising and absurd to civil activists and tyrants of the earlier years. This has resulted into a culture of inability to detect lies and hence lack of liberty. According to Lippmann, there is no optimism in restoring 19th century level of public discourse. They proposed that well-trained press should be employed to be able to detect lies and protect the interests of the public by detecting lies in a President’s speech and distortion of the truth. If the media is given the ability to detect lies, the public are likely to be aware of their consequences.

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However, this case goes against this assumption. It has been determined that the reporters involved in the White House reports have the capacity and readiness to expose lies, thus enabling the public get the right information and express their opinions. However, there is low public interest. In their requirements for the white house reports, the public has recommended the lines used by Queen Victoria, “We are not amused”. In spite of these requirements, this is not what the queen meant b this statement. The public imply that if the news is not amusing, then there is no need of creating public attention. This indicates that they would be more informed if the President’s lies were demonstrated by use of pictures and some music that would entertain them. They would be more attentive if a movie could be made from the President’s misleading speech of government policies or if there were break-ins by including a character stealing money from an institution. On the other hand, President Nixon’s attention came after his lies were given a theoretical display during the Watergate hearings. In the case of President Reagan, he is involved in lying to the public about what is not entirely true. He is not saying anything entertaining.


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