Technical Negotiations

The United Nations (UN) has versatile significant effects on solving technical negotiations from the time of its inception in 1945 as a replacement for the now defunct League of Nations, despite a number of criticisms from some disgruntled member states. Coordination of technical cooperation such as provision of disease control and standards for international mail service, as outlined in Article 55 of the Charter, remains the most important function of the UN in its endeavor to foster the much desired stability and well-being of all states across the world. Through its constituent functional organizations, the UN has successfully established standards for postal mail delivery services, telecommunications, civil aviation, labor, the law of the sea, environment, health, promotion of human rights, lawmaking treaties, and exchanges in the fields of education, science and culture. UN is the world largest and topmost agency of its kind that provides emergency relief and emergency assistance that require a high level of technical negotiations. The technical cooperation has also expanded to peaceful use of common resources between states such as the expansive river systems of Danube and the Rhine.

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It is most imperative to note that the United Nations incorporates the principles of functionalism to support its activities around technical negotiations all over the world. The functionalism has enabled the United Nations to create peace by engaging its member states in a feasible technical cooperation whose desirable continuity motivates all the states not to breach the prevailing peace. Functionalists sought to create peace by incrementally engaging states in technical cooperation. In effect, peace would be the result of getting states to cooperate on a number of small technical challenges, which was more viable compared to more selfish national interests. In the event of cooperating, all the states would recognize and learn the benefits of cooperation, which would then spread to include more than just nonpolitical technical matters. The wider outcome would be an incentive to continue cooperation and, therefore, not breach the peace. This is the main drive that has kept the United Nation focused on its noble course of fostering peace and cooperation in the whole world after the First and Second World Wars. The technocrats at the United Nations secretariat get applauds for their advisory role on various contemporary economic and social matters.

The most common limitation of the technical negotiation is that in spite of decades of continuous operations, the influential organs of the United Nations, for instance, European Union, the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank are very far from winning the allegiance of the citizens of various states. As such, states are not fully confident with the fiscal operation of these agencies, since they seem to be outside the economic reality on the ground in these states. This attracts a lot of criticisms and opposition towards these topmost financial institutions affiliated to United Nations in their issues of international economic policies and blue prints. Additionally, in the wake of technical issues, such as tariff controls and import levy, individual states tend to believe that their national interest is at stake, and consequently they feel obliged to intervene before the technical negotiations are settled. It is hard to see how to maintain peace by the benefits of cooperation if citizens continue to be loyal to their respective states during periods of crisis and instability. Finally, some member states feel superior over others; thus, they tend to have a lot to say at the councils of United Nations thus derailing effective implementation of policies as formulated by the top organ.


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