
Integrity has been accorded various definitions by different scholars in the world. According to Merriam, integrity is the ability of an individual to stick to a certain code of conduct or moral values that have been laid down by the society, which he or she belongs. It is the situation of being complete. The dictionary defines it as the act of being truthful and morally decent.

Intergrity is viewed as a skill that an individual acquires in the same manner that an individual acquires all other life skills. It is developed and discovered over time. If we take a school situation, it is always known that very few students posses an inborn ability in mathematics. In this case, most people go through some form of training to acquire the techniques and at the end of course, they get the concept. Integrity, therefore, just like any other skill requires a person to go through some form of training so as to be well conversant with the skill.

Intergrity also requires a person to go through years of training, exercise, and exposure to the requirements that are used perfecting the skill. Unlike other skills, for example, teaching, where one is expected to familiarise with the classroom and other teaching materials, integrity involves personality and is learned through a person’s livelihood.

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Various questions have been raised over time on who should develop integrity, what integrity is, where should it be learnt, when is the right time to start learning the skill, why is it essential for human beings to acquire the skill and its essence in the definition of an individual’s success, and how should the skill be acquired. It is only people, who have an inner drive to get it and value it, who acquire it.

In addition to what is in the introduction, integrity has been given various definitions. It is seen as a point of reference in that it forms the basis on which decision making is made on various issues that require an act of certainty and honesty. For one to be seen as a person of integrity, he or she should keep up to truthfulness and honesty in administering judgements. It is likened to a great tower. Its construction starts when a person is young and continues throughout lifetime. For it to be strong, it has to have a firm foundation. It is also noted that integrity can be rebuild. If one is faced with a circumstance, which may deprive him or her integrity, he or she may embark on the rebuilding process. In this process, it is essential for a person to forget the past, recollect oneself and move ahead. With the current trends of evils in the world, integrity can be easily lost. The rebuilding process may not be smooth as compared to the initial process.

Integrity plays a great role in love. It is said that it acts as a binder of various elements that define the true meaning of love. It helps to maintain our words, thinking, and acts truthful, valuable, and admirable by the people in your surroundings. It plays various roles. First, it is a life time process, it does not fissure into cheating and telling lies, it stands on the truth despite the consequences and endures them; it may disappear completely if ignored, it makes you distinct from the crowd, and at other times makes some people uncomfortable around you due to their shortcomings.

Integrity is in so many occasions beneficial to an individual though the benefits that accrue from it may not be easily realized. One can live for a long period without realizing the benefits of integrity. This incident varies from one individual to the other.


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