The Medical Assistance

There is a need for the medical assistance to comprehend the fact that a difference exists between breaching the patients’ confidentiality to breaching the privacy of the patient in consideration of the sense of the discussion of the issues of this nature. According to the earlier statement, the information of the patient that is deemed to be confidential is usually provided on voluntary basis. The professionals may access the information as a result of gleaning the patient at the time of the treatment. On condition of the consent of the patient well ahead of time, there is a chance for sharing this information with other parties such as the spouse of the patient, the employer, the insurer among others. In this situation the sharing of the information does not breach the confidentiality of the patient (J C R, 2004).

According to the findings of research, breaching confidentiality takes place at the time that the patients’ information with respect to the care has been accessed by the people who are not authorized to the accessibility of the information. The assignment of blame as a result of confidentiality bleach requires the analysis of the possibility of being authorized to receive the information and if this is not the case then the compelling reason behind the breach should be justified. There are however some situations that necessitate authorization to the access of the data. It is therefore the duty of the pharmacist to have a clear understanding of this issue at the time of holding the discussions of the patient’s information with others. “Situationally necessary authorization” may not need expression or acknowledgement that is in accordance with the knowledge of the common practice of the patient (Ivan, 2008).

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A good example of this is the consideration of the duties of the physician and their proper definition as the care role of primary importance. This has the implication that the expression as well as the acknowledgement of authorization is based on a common practice. it is therefore difficult for the physician to argue that less than the entire access of the components of the history of the patient are a requirement in the fulfillment of the primary role of care (Ivan, 2008).

One case of a personal experience involves a mental patient who expressed his desire to a psychotherapist to assassinate his girlfriend. The real identity of the girlfriend was exposed to the psychotherapist such that this information could be passed to her or police which the psychotherapist never did. Tragedy befell the girlfriend as this desire was executed later. this issue was taken to court and the psychotherapist was implicated with a failure of warning the victim or alerting the police in accordance to public policy in favor of protection of the psychotherapist communication of the patient which is expected to yield the extent that the disclosure has some importance in averting danger to a second party. The end of the privilege is the beginning of public peril. it was the duty of the psychotherapist to reason along this line as a matter of logic. Some categories of disease in addition to the suspected abuse of the children are sometimes required to be reported to the authorities (Ivan, 2008).

There is a great likelihood that the issues that are related to the privacy as well as confidentiality of the patient shall be the most important issues in the forefront of the ethics of health care in addition to the laws in the projected near future. The professionals of health, the pharmacists included are exposed to a great extent of the possibility more than any other time in ensuring of the existence of appropriate measures that are responsible for safeguarding the prevention of unwarranted access to the information of the patient.

This therefore lead to the deductions that a positive relationship of the medical professionals to the patients demands that the information of the patient is kept in the most secure possible manner to increase the level of confidence of the patient to health care providers. It is a fact that medical profession is associated with an effort that is unified for the purpose of promotion in addition to the maintenance of people’s health together with societal groups. Nursing process focuses on all people. Health is the vibrant experience of life in the human beings with the implication of a continuous adjustment in as far as the stressors in the context of internal as well as external environment in the view of optimal application of an individual resources for the purpose of the achievement of the maximum potential to lead a daily life.


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