Differences Between Persuasive and Directive Communication

Communication is a very important aspect in organization management that ensures that work related instructions, job expectations are well passed throughout the organizational structure. Different organizations employ different styles of communication, one being persuasive communication which involves convincing another person to believe, embrace or agree with one point of view to an extent of taking part in the implementation of the idea. Another communication style is directive communication which involves issuing orders to employees through the powers given to an office and the employees are to take these orders without question, failure to which leads to disciplinary measures taken against them.

Directive Communication on Casual Wear.

This subject refers to the recently communicated development concerning casual wear at work place on Fridays that was circulated from the Head office. However it has been noted with great concern that a number of employees tend to exaggerate this provision, to an extent that the values of this organization that relates to professionalism and decency is not adhered to. All members of staff are reminded that, this is a customer service department that is in constant contact with the walk in customers at all times, making this department the phase of the company and needs to always communicate good image to the customers.

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Based on the embarrassments, the department’s management in consultation with the head office has resolved that all members of staff in the customer service department will with immediate effect not be allowed to dress casually on Friday as earlier communicated, but instead be officially dressed like any other working day. Staff members are therefore warned that sandals, shorts, t-shirts, jeans and any other kind of casual wears as earlier noticed will not be accepted and anyone found to be contravening this directive will face disciplinary measures.

Persuasive Communication on Casual Wear.

Fellow staff, I am persuaded to bring to your attention the negative effect of the recent provision by head office concerning the casual wears allowed on Fridays. Being a member of the department, I have noted that too casual wear affects staff confidence when attending to the customers since customers occasionally despise casually and poorly dressed staff, with a perception that they may not be sure of the information they give. This has been evidenced by the frequent requests by customers to be attended to by senior staff, who they imagine are in back office. It should be taken in good faith that decent dressing builds customer confidence in the quality of service rendered, something that creates a positive image of the organization.

To bring back the confidence, customer satisfaction and retention, professionalism and company image, it is important that all staff in the customer service department, who are the face of the company, dress officially all days of the week to be able to command self respect as well as the respect of customers. This will help improve staff delivery, effectiveness, positive customer feedback and productivity which are also core values in the staff performance appraisal. By doing this, it will not only be the staff to benefit but organization at large.

Differences between Persuasive and Directive Communication.

Persuasive communication has long-term benefits in the performance of employees. It improves friendly work environment, team work, good interpersonal relations and a more cohesive team bound by one goal, attributes that are needed for organizational success. Directive communication on the other hand instills fear, bring about rebellion and high employee turn over in the long run. Authoritarian way of management can be accepted by the subordinate but to a limit that may lead to organizational failure. Organizations should therefore embrace persuasive style of communication, which makes employees own up the company processes, a concept that leads to improved productivity.


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