Establishing Communication

For prosperity of any school-family-community relation support, communication is very important. The team in charge must ensure that appropriate strategies towards effective two-way communication are developed to allow it to happen on frequently between school and community and school and school and home. This area is very important because their in many occasions, the stakeholders fail because those in education settings may feel that they are doing enough to communicate with families through good or bad news calls, school newsletters, PTA meetings, parent-teachers conferences, notice galore, and weekly agendas (Caplan, 1998).

Similarly, the families and community, those at home with children, can feel to be getting a whole lot of communication from the school in form of written materials carried home by students but this is just not communication required here. It is very important that for families to be involved in their children’s education as true partners, avenues have to be opened to regularly listen to their concerns and comments. Research is very categorical on the forms of school-parental involvement that results to benefits.

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According to research conducted by Henderson & Mapp (2002), where they analyzed 80 studies of parental and community involvement in K-12 schools, major findings of their analysis give comprehensible principles of effective communication. First of all family/ community involvement which has a link with student learning brings about a big impact on accomplishment more than common form of involvement. Additionally if it supports student learning while at home was established to enhance student achievement. The research also indicated that families of all cultural environments, income levels and education usually has a very positive effect on their children’s education if theirs a good mode of communication and lastly the deductions were that family and community involvement efforts which appreciate class and cultural disparities, bank on families’ strengths while at the same time addressing the needs of the family are very efficient in engaging dissimilar families.

It is therefore very apparent that initiatives that center on constructing trusting and respectful relationships amongst school staffs, families and members of the community have a high probability of being effective in creation of long-term connections which support learning of the student. To this effect there are very important ways of communication which have to be used as a substitute of the traditional forms such as conferences and newsletters.


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