Constituting the Multidisciplinary Team

The treatment of brain tumor patient should involve the medical practitioners like the doctors and the nurses (Eisenson & Bohlin, 2006). They will address medical treatment for pain and other related physical symptoms. They will offer guidance to help the team in decisions related to treatment options available to the patient. The team will also offer assistance in the use of medical facilities available for use by the patient.

The social work should provide counseling to the patient. These will enable the patient to deal with emotional struggles that he or she may be encountering because of the ailment. The social workers may also suggest other ways through which the patient may be assisted to overcome stress and depression. Where available, the spiritual needs of the patient may also be addressed so that his or her life becomes more bearable (Marrison, 2005)

To assess the working of a multidisciplinary team, it is imperative to assess the ideal under which such a team should function. The team should have a coordinator who should provide consistent message to the brain tumor patient. The coordinator should act as a point of contact for individuals and experts in this treatment plan. The coordinator should also initiate dialogue with family members. The coordinator should also be able to contact appropriate team members when necessary (Hindawi, 2010).

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The coordinator should also be in a position to organize joints visits that will address the patient’s needs. The team should be able to hold joint review so as to ensure evidence-based treatment plans is applied in the patient management. The team should also hold family meetings in which those chosen by the patient are be included.

EBP entails practice that incorporates current patient care research aimed at providing relevant information to provide the appropriate care guided by decisions supported by researched verification. The EBP should be applied in consultations that should also involve the patient. Using the multidisciplinary approach, the caregivers can be able to decide which course of action suits the patient most. As an approach, FBP specifies actions that professionals involved in care giving should undertake regarding certain needs of the patient. The EBP is supported by critical examination of the practices, currently in use and the past practices. The EBP is also based on the experience of the caregiver, his ability and proficiency in judgment as a member of the multidisciplinary team (Voutroubek, 1996).

A multidisciplinary team, with involvement of different specialties is therefore the best approach that should aid the effort of obtaining the accurate diagnosis. Its also through the approach that brain tumor patient can benefit from optimum treatment of the ailment.

The multidisciplinary team should respect the patient will. The patient should be made aware of his ailment and possible treatment options. The multidisciplinary approach is tailored in a way that enables the patients overcome any emotions related to the ailment (Advancing Excellence in Health Care, 2010).

The multidisciplinary team ought to help the patient deal with preoperational and post -operational concerns that may be troubling him. The patients, as researches have shown are in most cases wiling to participate in making decisions on issues pertaining to their ailment (Delaney et al., 2009). The researches have also shown that being a patient of brain tumor can be emotionally arousing. The patient may be experiencing anguish and fear of death. The brain tumor patient may be concerned about his or her ability to resume work, health and availability of support that is best be offered through the multidisciplinary team (Aho, 2001).

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The MDT should be aware that one of the biggest set back to this approach is lack of enough patient input in decision making. Patients, in most cases are generally not present during the multidisciplinary team meetings. This can make their wishes not adequately given the considerations they deserve. Some decision may be life changing hence the need to involve the patients. Researches have shown that 15.1% of the decisions made during the MDT meetings were not implemented. Such changes were occasioned by the patient choice among other clinical information that had been omitted. The patient should therefore be present or represented during the MDT meetings. Such an effort would ensure that the group adopts the patient-centered approach to the multidisciplinary treatment and care. The team provides guidance and necessary support, but the patient is the ultimate determiner of the treatment administered (Yuen, undated)


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