OH-A Shadow

The United States of America, as it is known today, has got many states which are unique in various ways. For instance, I identify well with Ohio State since I stay in Youngstown.  Ohio State is one of the small states of United States of America. It is located on the Eastern side of USA. It is bordered by five other states; Pennsylvania to the east, West Virginia to the south eastern part, Kentucky to the south, Indiana to the west while Michigan and Ontario Province of Canada to the North. Ohio shares the border with Canada and is divided into 88 counties in total and several towns are spread all over the State. I come from Youngstown city which is located in Mahoning County, on the North Eastern part of Ohio State. The city has been ranked the ninth largest city of Ohio State. It rests on the border of Mahoning and Trumbull counties but is the seat of Mahoning County.

Physical characteristics

Ohio State is divided into five lake plains, Glaciated Appalachian Plateau, Till Plains, Unglaciated plateau and Bluegrass. Lake Plains encompasses a narrow coastal strip along Lake Erie but widens in the Cleveland town. Glaciated Appalachians is characterized by glaciers and ancient streams and is less hilly. The observable feature in this area includes kettle lakes, bogs, sands and gravels. Some of the areas in this region are highly forested. Till plains is characterized by gently rolling plains and in not as flat as the lake plains. It is situated to the south of the lake plain. This is the region where the highest point of this state exists at the hilly belt of bedrock. Ohio River also passes through this region.

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Unglaciated Appalachian plateau in the southern Ohio and is characterized by high hills, deep valleys meandering streams, cliffs, gorges natural bridges and waterfalls. The region is quite forested but generally infertile and hence no supportive agricultural activity. Finally, blue grass region is the smallest of all and is characterized by cliffs, flat topped hills, sink holes, depressions. Minerals such as limestone, dolomite and shale also exist in this region.

Ohio is known to be the home to Caucasian as they form the majority of the residents of this State. However, there are also African Americans, Hispanics, German Irish, English, Polish Italian American/Alaskan native and Alaskan/pacific islander. Majority of people in Ohio are Christians.


The varied physical characteristics of Ohio attract tourists from other states and continents all over the world. Lake Erie is one of the five great lakes and is located just on the northern part of Ohio State. This lake is characterized by violent storms despite its shallowness and small size. It is the fourth largest Lake and the shallowest among the five great lakes. It stretches from Toledo, Ohio to Buffalo; New York. Ohio River is another important feature that contributes to tourist attraction in this state. It is the tributary of the Mississippi River. It draws its historical importance from the fact that the natives used it for irrigation and other cultural practices. It was also used for the trading route and transportation in the old days.

Serpent’s mound, which forms an uncoiling snake like shape has a superstitious significance to the locals and is a pre historic site that many tourists come to visit. It is located in the Adams County.  The snake appears to be about to swallow an egg-shaped oval. The head of the snake points to the summer solstice and the coils also point winter solstice. The unique shape of this feature and various explanations about it attracts people from various parts of the world.


Youngstown city has a variety of cultural venues and locations where various cultural events are held. The community’s culture center is powers auditorium. This center is used as the music hall and lovers of music enjoy Orchestra. Other halls include Ford Recital Hall, stambaugh auditorium in the northern part of the city.  Youngstown Playhouse is known as the primary community theatre. Another cultural facility is the group of museums comprising Arms Family Museum of local history managed by Mahoning Historical society. McDonough Museum of Art features regular changing exhibitions by various artists from national, regional and international places.  Another museum is the Clarence R. Smith Mineral Museum located within the YSU Campus.


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