Workers in the Organization

Organization that minds its sustainability will always have strategic measures for controlling such effects. For example, the organization can decide to employ new technology and use robotics in its activities. Such a change will cause a lot of fear among workers, because the technology might replace them. In business, new technology and use of robotics for production reduces the number of human resource required and increases production, thus, causing fear to the people working in such a business.

There are numerous methods of controlling such effects in the organization. If the effects are positive to either the organization or the working team, this organization needs to ensure that the effects will be sustainable so that they benefit from it. If the effects are negative to either the organization or the working team, the organization needs to have a contingency plan to eliminate anxiety among the workers and retain its sustainability.

Workers in the organization are the largest organ that is supposed to drive it towards reaching set goals. A good strategy that can be employed by the organization to control the effects of the change is by inviting contribution of ideas from the workers so that their solutions can be implemented, thus, reducing anxiety. Since workers might hold back their ideas, they can easily control the effects of the change if they are given the responsibility of seeking solutions other than assigning the responsibility with the management team.

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A working environment that encourages an open information sharing gives confidence to the workers and freedom to express their concerns. Organization that promotes interaction between the management team and the working team by sharing ideas in an open and honest manner creates an environment filled with trust. This way, the organization is able to control many effects of the work place change.

Equal treatment of workers and recognition of their participation in growth of an organization is an excellent method of controlling their emotions. When the organization implements the change, the effects of it are better controlled if there present trust and confidence. The organization that has open communication channels will listen to concerns of all workers and give honest feedback in good time. This working environment gives the workers the courage to face the effects of a change. Workers develop a self-esteem that eliminates their fear of being singled out.

The management team is the organ responsible for developing a working strategy and creating solutions to problems in the organization. The management works as a team. It includes managers of different departments, who operate as leaders of the working team. Both the management team and the working team work coherently to ensure that the organization reaches its set goals.

When the change is implemented, the effects of the change affect all organs of the organization. The management team comprises of highly skilled professionals who have the ability to drive the organization into meeting its objectives. This team has the ability to formulate contingency plans in case of any problem. It is the responsibility of the management to help other managers and workers deal with the change. The management team responds to the change by identifying its effects and, then, formulating a sustainable solution. Members of the management team may be also affected by the change, and so, the team starts helping the affected managers. Managers, who are affected by change, require support from the other team members and assurance that the change is controllable. This is only possible if they are given a chance to express their mind, and if their opinions are taken into account when formulating solutions. This method eliminates all fears that the managers have.

Another method of helping staff dealt with the change is by informing them about the good side of an implemented change. The information provided to the workers should include assurances of job growth in order to increase workers morale. Employment of new technology in the organization should be coupled with the improvement of workers skills through education, regarding the introduced technology. The management should empower existing workers more effectively by investing in improvement of their knowledge and skills. Skill improvement training should be conducted before new technology is implemented so that the change will be embraced by workers. Workers who fear that their skills might be inadequate are worse affected by the change, and the management has the ability to build their confidence by improving their skills. Since such workers have worked with the organization, their production is higher than of any new worker.

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The management in the organization can create a work place culture that anticipates change, whenever it’s implemented or whenever it happens. Since not all changes are planned, the management can include all the workers in the creation of a work place culture that prepares all workers to retain their confidence in case of the change. Organizations plan their activities according to the goals they want to reach. A good plan should be recorder according to order of priority, and communicated openly to the workers. Such a plan will always include changes and new projects to be implemented in the future. If such a list of current and future plans is communicated with the rest of the staff, the management and workers find ample time to research about the possible advantages and disadvantages of proposed changes and projects. The workers will, then, have the chance to give feedback, regarding their findings, and their opinions will be included in the final planning before the proposed changes are implemented.

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In work places, the management can develop a culture that can help workers deal with the change. The culture includes guides to workers’ attitudes, working ethics, behaviors and other systems that are necessary in the functioning of the organization. The work place culture that is developed to help workers deal with the change means that the last one will be highly anticipated and productivity of the organization will increase. The work place culture is developed with the consideration to workers’ past responses and possible occurrence of the change within a given time. Such a culture provides for awareness and preparedness of workers towards embracing growth and development in the organization. Organizations aim is the development and growth. These two factors initiate a changing environment from time to time. Growth consequently invites new appointments and employment of new ideas, turning the environment into an ever changing setting. In such a changing environment, the work place culture that embraces change helps workers deal with the change more effectively.

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The culture can only be designed by combining solutions of past experiences and inclusion of workers opinions, while training workers about the importance of embracing the change rather than rejecting it. As discussed above, open communication about proposed changes should be included in such a work place culture to allow new appointees adapt swiftly to the operations of the organization. Organizations with a specific working place culture help new entrants adapt to the new environment easily.

A winning work culture makes workers have confidence with what they have to offer in the organization. The culture should be supportive, friendly, open, relaxing and inclusive. Management in the organization should encourage enthusiasm. Workers who are passionate and have the will to succeed produce better. A work place culture that includes fun helps to kill boredom and encourages sharing of ideas. Healthy working culture guides workers on methods to follow when they are faced with effects of the change. The organization that faces change effectively succeeds because it has developed an inclusive culture that ensures equal treatment of workers.

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Work place culture can also be the work place change. The organization that restructures, tries to eliminate past mistakes in an effort to succeed. This move results to changes in the management team and, most often, new appointments into the management team. Such appointments accompany new leaders and new ideas. Most managers who have been appointed into a new organization start by changing the work place culture to suite their ideal idea. A change in the work place culture receives resistance from the existing workers because they are accustomed to it. The management, whether existing or new, has to include the views of all persons in an organization before changing culture of a particular workplace. Such inclusion helps workers deal with any new change without affecting production because their views are considered during the change.


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