Canadian Aviation Industry

In all organizations, workers have different production rates. Negativity has been observed in many organizations, and if not well addressed, the negativity influence embeds itself into the existing work culture. Workers who produce more and are very active might face ridicule from fellow workmates who are less active, and, in an effort to escape the ridicule, production decreases. A culture of negativity develops where communication channels are not open, and the management team doesn’t realize that production has been affected. This culture mostly affects production and the morale of hardworking employees. Negativity culture in a work place is controllable and can be eliminated in many ways. The management can eliminate this behavior by recognizing individual efforts and giving incentives in an effort to increase workers motivation, while discouraging negativity.

Safety management system (SMS) refers to a systematic and open approach to safety management in an organization with the aim of achieving maximum acceptable safety. In the Canadian aviation industry, SMS help airline companies to identify and monitor safety risk before they develop into major problems.

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The Canadian Aviation Industry is seriously regulated, and it has created a new safety culture in the aviation industry. The Safety Management System has been enforced in the industry. This change of culture has been developed to prevent any work related accidents and its implementation is ongoing. The aviation industry has since struggled to fully implement a culture of safety management in the industry with an aim of succeeding in maintaining safety in workplaces.

Implementation of a safety management culture in all organs of the aviation industry in Canada has been emphasized greatly, and all parties are well informed of the importance of developing such a culture. The introduction of the safety management system was encouraged and organizations in the industries responded by implementing the procedures. The Safety Management System is responsible for identifying possible hazards and taking charge of controlling the risks involved.

This refers to a systematic based approach to managing risk associated with fatigue within an organization and the main contributors to rising fatigue among workers. FRMS are best applied within an organization’s SMS. In the Canadian aviation Industry, FRMS are employed within the SMS, and this enables the airline industry to deal with risk associated with fatigue together with other hazards. Employing a Fatigues related management system within the safety management system in the aviation industry has posed immense work place change. FRMS are implemented by first identifying causes of fatigue among workers and identification of fatigue related risk. Once these are identified, the aviation industry conducted an internal risk management strategy of the need for change. FRMS are then employed within the safety management system using fatigue management strategies. The Canadian Aviation industry has been facing work place change challenges in embedding FRMS within the already existing SMS framework. These will ensure that risks are dealt with within the already existing safety structure of the organization and promote more cohesion and communication between the employer and employees. Establishing FRMS culture within the SRM culture has not been easy at all to the Canadian aviation industry attributed to the major workplace change accompany those development.

A safety culture is a way in which people in a workplace act in relation to attitudes, perceptions, beliefs, and values, shared in regard to safety awareness. The Canadian aviation industry safety culture was created to encourage total safety awareness, and it has so far been a success. The culture encourages management of safety, using well tested methods, and organizations understand that there are reduced work related risks and increased awareness upon implementation. Developing this culture involves embedding the Safety Management System into the operations of an organization and making it part of the organization’s culture. Workers, who perform their duties, while observing a strict safety culture, are assured of occupational safety and feel the urge to spread the culture to their workmates.

Introduction of a Safety Management System is a change that can interrupt normal operations during implementation. This change has more advantages to the organization, workers and their clientele and so, the change is worth implementing. Upon implementation, existing workers are liable to extra responsibilities of observing safety, while performing their other allocated duties. The implementation of a new safety system slightly lowers production at first, although workers get used to such a change quickly and get back to normal production. This is because the extra responsibility of ensuring the safety is observed and requires some extra attention that eats the production time.

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In the Canadian aviation industry, workers have the moral responsibility of ensuring their activities and the work places are safeguarded. When implementing the safety systems in Canada, there are governing requirements, found in every jurisdiction on how safety is achievable, and complementary researched data that clearly displays the effectiveness of a successful safety management system. The data that is provided to show the effectiveness of implementing a safety management system clearly shows evidence of reduced occupational risk in organizations that have already implemented the system. The safety management system clearly reduces costs, associated with accidents and incidents in organizations.

The safety management systems that are implemented by players in the Canadian aviation industry address the importance of implementing the change and pushes for implementation with an aim of reducing work place risk. The system has clear instructions on how to manage risk, how to identify possible risks and implement appropriate controls, how to ensure open communication across all organs of an organization, the process of how to rectify non-conformities and how to apply a continual enhancement process. The system’s design is user friendly and has so far improved occupational safety, thus, ensuring safety of the workers.

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The Canadian aviation industry has scheduled to fully implement the change in the whole industry and focus on enhancing for more safety by the year 2015. According to the Canadian Transport Authority, the safety system is effective if the workers and their management commit to overseeing safety in work places. The implementation of safety management system in work places is tested and has no negative effects on workers or organization, although its execution interferes with production slightly during the early stages.

In the world, there are many organizations that have evaluated and realized the benefits, associated with implementing a safety management system. This is a change that has beneficial effects to the organization and the workers. Regulatory authorities in charge of these organizations have developed over time safety management systems that are specific to their activities. Safety management systems are developed to benefit the organization as a whole and increase workers confidence, while increasing production.

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Safety management systems reassure workers of their safety and encourage their participation in implementation. An organization that plans to implement a safety management system has the responsibility of introducing the idea to the workers and training them on how the system benefits the organization. The introduction eliminates any fear and the training offered prepares the workers with the necessary knowledge about the proposed change. Work places that are safer are also comfortable. When occupational hazards are minimized, an organization records reduced misfortune costs and production increases because the workers are assured of safety.

Every organization in the world does many changes within its operations and structure from time to time. The changes are meant to improve the organization’s sustainability, productivity, and efficiency. Since all these organizations are the work place for very many individuals, any change happening to them automatically leads to a workplace change. Workplace change has both positive and negative impact on workers. On the positive side, workplace change leads to increased productivity, clientele relationship, better services and more efficient productivity, however, on the negative side, workplace change cause stress and fear among workers due to the numerous unfamiliar challenges and experiences they face due to changes. Before any organization adopts the workplace change it needs to conduct an internal based assessment of the need for change, then develop the best plan of implementing the change. To avoid negative impact on workers due to the workplace change, the management needs to communicate the changes to employees before they are implemented, and then help workers cope with the new changes through training and guidance. Develop a working environment that encourages open and free information sharing between workers and management; this gives confidence to the workers and freedom to express their concerns, especially, when facing unfamiliar challenges.

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Managerial systems have continued to uphold and involve their organizations to changes in order to keep a proper competitive pace with operation and market dynamics. The need for initiating competitive methods of dealing with change has driven many organizational managements to develop and improve cohesive managerial practices to implement and motivate workers to embrace the change, managing the effects of the change, helping its workforce to deal with the change, dealing with negativity problems that hinder implementation of the change, as well as building cultures that are change oriented in fostering efficiency. Establishment of Safety Management System and Fatigue Risk Management System in the Canadian Aviation industry has been one major example of the work place change that has had a major impact on efficiency, safety and performance of the industry. Proper implementation based on internal assessment and communication with airline employees has contributed to success of these safety systems despite various changes it has faced; like interruption of normal operation challenging workers in the airline industry. The management of any organization should conduct thorough research on work place changes to implement and whether they are in line with company’s objectives before implementing them.


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