Language Development
Operation and language development is greatly enhanced by vocabulary and comprehension. Despite the fact that personal lifetime experiences greatly varies word denotations do not also vary that much. Since words are effective tools for communication the writer is obliged to ensure the written words get the desired proper meaning. On the contrary word connotation may differ among the readers though the difference may not be so great. Therefore through connotations words proper meaning are obtained. On addition the L2 readers are in a position to increase their vocabulary by utilizing the dictionary in getting the meaning of all the learnt words. Many L1 learners are able to learn many words effectively and rapidly. On addition they also retain most of the acquired words for a very long time. The initial school years forms the basic ground for learning and acquiring many vocabulary. Frequent exposure too many printed words is instrumental in acquiring the necessary vocabulary which is important for learning (Blachowicz and Ogle, 2008).
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Exposure to written words is essential in acquisition of the skill that is needed for classroom learning. Extensive reading paves way for learning many new words which is necessary for development of greater vocabulary. For a long time vocabulary has been taught to be the only way of becoming language proficient because it was considered to be one of the building blocks. For instance vocabulary was incorporated into L2 classroom syllabus as an effective way of conducting teaching. By using vocabularies students are able to acquire other important learning skills. Everyday experiences are very important in learning meaning of some acquired words. For example children understand the meaning of some newly acquired words through the daily encounters and experiences. At this initial learning stage vocabulary is mainly aimed at defining the term. It is important to realize that an understanding of certain amount of vocabulary paves way for understanding. Therefore comprehension and vocabulary are both effective in classroom literal learning (Koda, 2005).
Vocabulary is acquired orally or through a written media. Oral vocabulary which is acquired through personal experience lays the foundation for classroom learning. Comprehension of the text enables a student to get a clear picture of what the writer is trying to put across. Learning is made possible through vocabulary and comprehension because these two aspects are important part of learning blocks. The acquired vocabulary forms the basis for acquiring other skills that are essential for effective learning and language acquisition. On addition to class reading word understanding is very important because it greatly contributes to successful learning of other subjects. The relationship between comprehension and vocabulary is mainly a common sense relationship. On addition vocabulary are well learnt through meaning construction rather than identification or meaning memorization. The role that vocabulary and comprehension play in classroom reading is very instrumental in language acquisition and general learning.