Healthy Workforce Culture

In any organization, there is always a laid down structure formulated and designed to keep its staff in a healthy and stable mind as they engage in their duty of serving company’s interest. A stable mind performs optimally with little or no supervision. In line with this perspective, an organization will always work alongside its staff to promote healthy working relationships by recognizing and supporting staff members who make a steady commitment in practicing accepted and desirable healthy habits in their respective work departments. Periodically, programs are designed in line with objectives and goals, on researched conducive work methodology for sustained happy employee-employer relationship.

The method used include direct participation by the employees who after interaction with each other identify hale and hearty workplace interventions passed through a feasibility test for implementation to initiate cultural shift in organization. The context of this policy is based on the need to address work related habits in order to strike a balance on environmental friendly work place in practice. Besides, the target of this policy implementation is the entire hierarchy of staff members from the top management to the casual laborers at bottom of ladder. The engagement may be inclusive of healthy food provided to the staff, and preventive stay well seminars. For an organization to succeed in calculating relevant organs, departments, and channels for addressing these issues, there must be an all round objective working relationship with the employees.

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Key concept: solving work related disorders

Healthy Workforce Culture

In nearly all formal and informal organization(s) work related stress is always in existence. If not streamlined, its effects can be catastrophic to both the organization and that staff. In addition, unhealthy workforce in the medium and long term is inversely proportional to goal achievement. This has necessitated the needs to identify sustainable and effective counter strategies implemented through the various company department or structures aimed at noticing and influencing right behavior at all levels, a key factor in addressing redundancy, healthcare issues.

Since all the working class adults in most organizations use up half and plus of their waking hours in work place, employers are given a very unique opportunity to establish and monitor a desirable culture to improve and maintain a healthy workforce. These may be in the form of psychological, experience, value and beliefs, attitudes, and group common interests. When these values are internalized into the organization structure, ways of interaction, commitment at work and confidence may be assured among the stakeholders who have personalized these mental assumptions (Sinclair, 2010).

Healthy work Culture

As a result, the work environment becomes holistic, soft and socially friendly to the staff. Besides, this culture requires structural goals developed in the norms, expectations of specific behavior display, and appropriate guideline controlling interaction with one another. Strong working culture, thus healthy work habits exists where stall are fairly quick in response to a stimulus as they are aligned to organizational values characterized by smooth consistent operations like a well maintained computer software program optimal in operation with very minor hiccups along its course. In relation t o above argument, organizations have strived to develop good culture by fostering a strong alignment on the monitored path of achieving its goals, missions and vision.

There are written rule of engagement, expected behavior, and repercussions for misconduct. At the time of employment, these rules are clearly presented on a blue print to a potential employee who upon confirming allegiance becomes a staff member. Periodically, the organization restructures these goals in consistency with the changing markets and requirement of its staff. Consequently, when people are absorbed and made to feel part of these goals, they would strive to give their best towards the organization (Elearn, 2006).

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In addition, organizations applies human relation management system alongside others stressing on rationality and autonomy of staff who perform at optimal when constantly motivated. For any outstanding achievement, one is given a reward, and or promotion as a way of earning their loyalty. As human nature dictates, enticements is timely offered may lead to a deep attachment with the object over which such a motivate token is given. Motivation can be in the form of salary review and increment, recognition for a well-performed duty, equality, and fair treatment. Whenever there is a strong professional relation ship nurtured on the values of appreciation and respect, hidden talents are easily displayable and are needed for organizational sustainability (Sinclair, 2010).

Alternatively, constant team building and cohesiveness through trainings and seminars for various company departmental sectors may be an important tool in creating a strong coordination and control within the organization as the workforce will learn to appreciate each department in the overall aim of maintaining steady production. These seminars are a good tool for testing intra and inter personal interactional ability. In addition, new skills are acquired and creativity inspired among the workforce. When successfully carried out, redundancy thus, emotional strains are kept at bay, as constant interaction is a means of boosting confidence and personality a recipe for good organizational culture.

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Leadership role

To enable the company to be more efficient, there is always a well-organized hierarchy of workforce from management with administrative roles to service providing worker. Managers are empowered by the organization’s constitution to perform the role of prefects and offer leadership solutions upon consultation with one another. Besides these leadership consultants are well picked from the professional job market believed to posses the right and relevant experience in handling group interactions. To control group behavior, desirable leadership attributes are necessary, which are possessed by the managers gained over time in experience. Management plans, tests and implement company policies inline with the preset goals (Sinclair, 2010).

In managing a work culture, it is important for the management team to consider the rights of each employee in terms of disability, gender and religion to accommodate staff members who are authorized by the law to either have special day out like during pregnancy. In addition, the work environment should reflect and adhere to the various requirement of the law. Nevertheless, some inconsistencies are responsible for the poor work culture present in nearly all organizations. Some of these factors include individual unprofessionalism; inconsistency; under qualification; over aggressiveness in intra and inter personal relation with each other; rule of the thumb office operation; unhealthy working environment leading to disease outbreak; insensitive management and personal disorders with diverse complications in performance and health of personnel ranging from mental disorders; insomnia; disillusionment; aggressiveness; and substance abuse among others thus an onset of ‘stress’(Elearn, 2006).

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Workplace stress is a depression resulting from an interaction of a person to his/her work environment leading to an inability to balance work with other aspects of life and attracting systematic building up of a negative response emotionally. Causes of stress, thus referred to as stressors are elements or circumstances leading a person to anticipate a feeling of exceeding psychological and physical demands on ability to comfortably cope up with the situation.

Though difficult to explain a definite cause, stressors mostly are associated with certain occupations like policing where fear of recurring violence, emotional repugnant scene or unstable work shifts constantly create an imbalance in the emotions and thoughts. Besides, it is also associated with physical factors at work place like heat, cold, excessive noisy environment and physiological aspects destabilizing body balance such as limited recuperating interval between work shifts. In addition, unrealistic deadlines among other excessive demanding works and personal cognitive factors inclusive of health issues, relationship and inability to adjust to prevailing climatic order are also associated with stress (Elearn, 2006).

Stress in practicality is such a complex phenomena and it is very rare for two or more individuals to under go through it the same way in the work environment. Each victim seems to display a unique sign for its onset and should such an individual remain silent on his/her stress then the employer may not be in a position to know in order to assist with an alternative solution. Employer may eventually learn of the same only if in the structure of such an organization has confidence oriented systems re assuring the victims of a comprehensive solution. As the bucket model theory asserts, stress matures up upon complete drainage of a person’s bank of personal resilience because of work conflicts, unfavorable working conditions, and emotionally straining assignments outweighing supportive relationships, interesting works, rest and good health. In order to control a disastrous level, regulators of stress are constantly needed.

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However, life is meaningless without challenges balance between rest and stimulation is necessary .Goodness or bad state of stress is dependent on the victim tolerance and subsequent recovery period. Prolonged depression has serious negative influence in work and life of a person. With time if successfully handled, stress may turn into a monotonous habit ending up stressing the victim. In addition to the above causes, second job, family problems or physical health may increase levels of depression when combined with work related challenges. As a remedy, at every stage of workforce development, an employer is advisable to set up simple practical strategies to get to know and offer solutions to employee’s artificial impairment before it generates into a workplace risk or harm (Sinclair, 2010).

Tolerance levels for stress is dependent of the interest attached to a work, support from family or work relationships, physical ,and psychological health and the nature of work causing stress. Eventual resilience will vary depending on the period taken to heal as each stress is totally different from another neither do two individuals under go it the same way (Sinclair, 2010).

Work related stress disorders

Work related disorders might include imbalanced constant mood swings often-referred top as Bipolar disorder. This type of stress is often characterized by elevated moods clinically known as mania or hypomania. Victims suffering from this illness experience swings of depressive episodes in between normal mood. When extreme, psychotic sign of delusions and hallucinations become part of the victim. Besides, at the onset of this disorder, the victim may feel anxiety, guilt, anger, guilt, isolation, sadness, poor appetite, disturbed sleep, fatigue, disinterest in concentration and hopelessness. There are available pharmaceutical prescriptions against this disorder thought one is advised to apply self-help recovery journey.

In addition, eating disorder is frequent among stressed people defined by an abnormal eating of either to little or excessive food often affecting the physical health. It is associated with symptoms such as acne, constipation, electrolyte imbalance, diarrhea, brain atrophy, low water retention, and pellagra. Fortunately, there are numerous medications available for this victim though much concentration should be based on cognitive behavior rehabilitation, family, recreational, interpersonal, nutritional, and acceptance to commitment therapies (Elearn, 2006).

In addition, insomnia disorder is associated with problems in adjusting to normal sleeping habits. Either, the victim may have prolonged hours of sleep or totally lack sleep. As a result, the individual will display symptoms of tiredness, disillusionment, lack of concentration, irritability, inconsistency in thoughts, and when extreme may develop into mental depression .Though depressant drugs are available for this person, it is advisable that family and interpersonal rehabilitation strategies be applied as a lasting remedy (Elearn, 2006).

Furthermore, there is the passive aggressive behavior characterized by indirect expression of negative feelings than openly handling them. There is always a clear disconnect between actions and spoken words. Therefore, symptoms of this behavior include procrastination, inefficiency, sullenness, irritability, stubbornness, hostile or cynical attitude, constant complains of in appreciation, and resentments on other people’s views. To reverse this disorder, supportive family members should convince the victim to seek assistance from a therapist. However, the solution lies on him/her accepting that there is a problem and is ready to accept a solution(Elearn, 2006)..

Besides these, in response to a depressing situation, one may opt for alcoholic consumption as a temporary solution, which may seem to work only for a very short while with catastrophic effects on work, family and own health. Consequently, the person may loss concentration; develop insomnia disorder and unhealthy eating habits .In addition, he/she may prefer violence and self-denial in justifying action. At the onset, family supportive therapy is advisable but when at addiction level, the victim should be referred to a rehabilitation centre (Sinclair, 2010).

To handle the above work place related stress disorders well, I would concentrate on establishing a good work place relationship as a security strategy for confidential sharing of work related hiccups with the employer or a trusted staff mate. In addition, I would concentrate on preventive policy of creating informal inter-group meetings where the staff is given an opportunity to share on experiences and encourage each other. I would then research on any evidence of a recognizable stressor they knew or ought to have known because of the nature of work and the related work environment. Instead of playing blame game, I would then concentrate on addressing these issues and where necessary provide rehabilitation support.

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In conclusion, it is in order to affirm that stress at work in most cases is not a medical condition; rather, because of improper handing work culture, disrespectful of the need to constantly monitor structures in place handling behavior and employee’s interests. In most cases, short-term depression may be a challenging motivational factor when it falls under good stress. However, prolonged periods of stress may be catastrophic in safety management, heart complications, substance abuse, irritability and anxiousness, failed relationships, indecisiveness, frequent headaches, and error prone. Consequently, absenteeism, low morale, high accidents at work, low quality work, overdependence von employees assistance program, and low turnover sets in.


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