American Revolution and King George III

The Great American War of Independence, better known as the American Revolutionary War, was raged on the British colonial government by the American civil and political rights’ patriots and activist for the lack of Americans’ representation in parliament which was seen as refutation of their rights. The activists focused on the imposed taxes by the parliament without their consent. During the American Revolutionary War, the colony was under the rule of Britain under the leadership of King George the Third. King George, who was the king of England and Ireland from 1760-1820, had ascended to throne during a critical Era in time. His reign was marked with the peace of Paris in 1763 the French Indian war but the treaty led to conflicts between England and the American colonist. The conflicts and hostility would later lead to the American Revolution War. This paper seeks to highlight King George’s role in the American Revolutionary War of Independence.

King George III had appointed incompetent men to serve as ministers in his government. His choice of ministers had resulted to inconsistency in the government policies. It was during his reign that the crazy and unpopular Stamp Act got imposed on the American colonies. The Act got repealed under the Marques of Rockingham. This followed by the levying of new duties with the Townshend Act of Lord Chatham. King George was a manipulator of events. He took advantage of the people’s loss of trust in the old Whigs who had power in parliament. He put himself as the master of English politics with vast powers of patronage. Being a man of narrow intellect George lacked every element of statesmanship and only showed favors to his followers while great men of independent character who could not heed to his will fell to his hatred.

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King George III raised taxes so high on the rebels forcing them to boycott England’s tea. The boycott symbolized how everybody used to drink tea, especially imported from England. The Americans now started smuggling tea from Holland. The principle was at stake here now, and England decided to reduce its prices on the tea commodity by removing the port duty at any English port. Tea laden ships reached New York, Philadelphia and Boston only the tea was not to be bought since Philadelphians refused to allow the ships to dock. People in Philadelphia urged ship owners to return with their products only for the governor to deny the merchants this permit and instructing the king’s ships to keep watch.

Men resulted to destroying the tea by attacking the vessels and emptying the containers into the sea. England took no action in stopping the exportation of tea to America. Actually, the king led his parliament to pass a bill of drastic measures against the people of Massachusetts. First they removed the Boston Port Bill that saw the port of the city closed to commercial business with the rest of the world. The parliament then passed the Regulating Act, which annulled the Massachusetts Charter transforming the colony to an absolute despotism. Britain then sent troops to Massachusetts to end the constant rebellion, and this resulted to the Massachusetts Massacre. The king’s troops burned down towns along the coast as punishment for their defiance. The rebels had enough of King George’s tariffs and taxes thus started of the revolutionary war. The drastic measures made by the British government saw the Massachusetts appeal for help from other colonies. Georgia, Maine, and South Carolina responded to this call. Washington offered to arm and equipped the Massachusetts at its own expense.

The Revolutionary War led by General Washington was not heavily armed as compared to their British rivals. Washington’s army had 20,000 men in the beginning. Historians state that a high percentage of the colonist supported the rebellion. In 1775, General Washington arrived with his militia in Boston. He sort fort new Arsenals patriots in New Hampshire had seized gun powder and cannons from fort William in Portsmouth harbor. The war raged on, and in 1776 heavy cannon that patriots had captured at fort Ticonderoga was delivered to Boston by Colonel Henry Knox. The British army fled, and General Washington moved with his army to New York. Having withdrawn from Boston the British army focused on defending New York. General Washington spread his army along the New York harbor. They were driven back by the British army to Brooklyn. The outline of the American army was bleak since they were now being pushed further as they retreated toward New Jersey. Washington decided to make an offensive approach cutting across the Delaware and at the battle of Trenton they succeeded in pushing the British army to the New York City.

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The American Revolutionary War started in 1775 up to 1783. At first, it began as a war between America and Britain, but over time other nations, such as France and Spain, joined in. It began from the American enlistment which led to the civil and political American Revolution. The Americans began forming self-governing provinces to get out of the British rule in each colony. In 1775, a war raged between British regulars and the American militiamen at the Battles of Concord and Lexington. The Americans petitioned to the king to intervene with the parliament to stop the war, but King George ignored this plea and labeled the rebel leaders as traitors. Fighting continued and, al last, the colonies declared independence and aired their grievances to the king. King George III was always accused of keeping the American revolutionaries at war with his country. He did not want to acknowledge the American independence according to the counsel of his advisors. George wanted to prolong the war keeping the rebels poor harassed and anxious to their disappointment resulting to their remorse and penitence.

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The United States of America signed an alliance treaty with France in 1978, which led to the escalation of the conflict with Britain realizing that Britain was on its own Lord Gower and Lord Weymouth British official resigned. Lord North, the Prime Minister of Britain at the time, sought permission to resign but was kept in office by George. The war had incurred British a lot of cost which sparked the Gordon Riots in 1780. British had spent over 80 million pounds in the war making the nation end up with a debt of over 250 million pounds. In 1781, King George drafted a renunciation notice which was not delivered to accept defeat in the North America. Finally, Great Britain acknowledged independence of the States. British negotiated the Paris Peace Treaty in 1784. King George designated John Adams as the American minister to London in 1785.

In conclusion, the American Revolutionary War of Independence was waged against the British government under King George III for his policies of having the Americans not represented in the parliament. The taxes levied upon the Americans also sparked the war. In perusing war with the Americans King George assumed he was defending the right of the elected parliament to levy taxes. The punishment measures that King George had imposed on the American colonies had met great rebellion and his defiance to withdraw from the war saw America declare independence. According the opinion of many scholars and modernist, the reign of King George marked the loss of political powers by the monarchy.


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