Attitude, Involvement, and Entertainment: Layar Mobile Application
Table of Contents
- Introduction
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- Literature
- Results
- Sample Description
- Attitude towards Layar
- Involvement of Layar in Tourism Industry
- Entertainment from Layar
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Management Implication
- Limitations
- Recommendations
- Related Free Technology Essays
Technology has conquered the world and is changing the normality of doing things. People, especially the young generation, have been assimilated into this new world in the desire to explore the technological products ans services (Ardies et al. 2015). However, there is a variation in the attitude, involvement, and entertainment of people towards technology. Aldies et al. (2015) summarise that attitude, involvement, and entertainment are controlled by factors such as demographic characteristics, occupation, and education. Other studies have showed that students, especially in university, have a positive attitude, involve more and are entertained by technological products (Najafi et al. 2012; Chase & Herrod 2005). Also, it has been documented that the attitude, involvement, and entertainment differ in males and females and depend on marital status (Eswaran & Jayaraman 2014).
In addition, knowledge about technology is a contributor of attitude. Ardies et al. (2015) indicate that a parent in a professional occupation related to technology has a positive attitude towards technology. Also, a person’s capability limits him/her to engaging in technological activities. Mobile application such as Layar can be complex to the older people limiting their involvement. Technology has also changed the way industries serve their customers making it more or less entertaining (Robbin 2002). It has changed the creative and the productive nature of people. However, not all parties are entertained by technology.
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Rogers et al. (2005) point out that technology is essential and “capable of enhancing the safety, security and independence” of an individual. However, negativity towards technology is a hindrance to economic and social development. For instance, in the world of tourism, technology is essential to advertising, clarifying and arranging for tour destination. It reduces risks of financial thefts and travel safety to travel agents. In order to weigh the use of the technological applications in the tourism and media, it is important to understand the attitude, level of involvement and entertainment of technology.
The purpose of this study is, therefore, to investigate the attitude of people towards a mobile application (Layar), their involvement and level of entertainment received from the application and add knowledge to related research. The survey concentrated on two groups i.e. education (school or university) and age, which enabled to answer the research questions: What is the attitude of people towards Layar mobile application? Is it entertaining to use Layar? Do you think Layar mobile application should be utilized in the tourism and hospitality industry? Does education and age contribute to an attitude towards, involvement in and entertainment by technology?
Technology has become an essential resource for both economic and social development. However, technology has not been appreciated by all due to variation arising from different factors such as age, gender, marital status, occupation, education and knowledge (Ardies et al. 2015). For instance, a study by Chase and Herrod (2005, p. 5) indicates that students are more reliant on technology in their academic and social lives. To examine the attitude towards technology, social scientists have examined teachers, students, and the general public to explore their reactions and opinions towards technology. Some of the recent research include the ones by Ardies, J., Maeyer, S. D., Gijbels, D. & Keulen, H. V., 2015; Najafi, M., Ebrahimitabass, E., Dehghani, A. & Rezaei, M. 2012; Eswaran and Jayaraman, 2014; and Lee, C-J., Scheufele, D. A. & Lewenstein, B. V. 2005.
Ardies et al. (2015) conducted a study to examine the attitude of students towards technology. The results of the study indicated a decline in the interest towards technology in progress in grade level, and the loss of interest was more pronounced in girls than boys. The research also revealed that positive attitude towards technology was highly affected by the amount or level of technological knowledge taught. In addition, parental occupation changed the student’s attitude towards technology. For instance, if the parents were in a profession related to technology, then the students indicated a positive attitude.
Investigating the attitude of students towards science and technology, Najafi et al. (2012) realized that students had a positive general attitude. However, they understood that a difference in attitude existed between males and females, with women having an adverse attitude than men. Investigating attitude towards information technology(IT) among college teachers, Eswaran and Jayaraman (2014) surveyed 200 college teachers and realized that variation in attitude is the result of demographic characteristics, for example, age, marital status, and subject taught.
Investigating age and its effects on attitude in a workplace, Elias et al. (2012) similar to Eswaran and Jayaraman (2014) realized that older employees had a lower attitude than younger employees. Elsaadani (2013) also supported this statement by concluding that age was a significant factor in determining the attitude of a teacher towards information and communication technology (ICT).
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Technology Involvement in various fields, e.g., education, communication, etc, is essential. Studies have shown that technology plays an important supportive role in the new teaching approaches and strategies (Prensky 2008). With the emergence of practices such as online learning, involving technology is the better option. However, the adoption of these new approaches is a challenge with limitations of capacity, knowledge and skills. It also has advantages and disadvantages as deduced in a study by Hertlein and Ancheta (2014). The study, which involved relationships, concluded that technology can support or complicate relationships. In support, technology assists in development, maintenance and enhancement of a relationship. However, it complicates relationship through distance, trust and emotional issues.
Industries have embraced entertainment technology, e.g., games, to try to make the use of their products entertaining to the customers. Other than the negative effects associated with the use of technological products, e.g., computers, entertainment technology is positively affecting the human behavior and development (Rauterberg 2004). The level of entertainment received from these applications depends on knowledge and understanding (skills) of the products. Skilled individuals knowledgable about technology are more entertained than those with little or no skills.
Applications have changed features, for example, from 2D to 3D, which has enhanced visualization of the content in an almost real way. Macedonia and Rosenbloom (2001, p. 82) mentioned that change of computer games from 2D to 3D has enabled students to think more in 3D, which improved their understanding of complex topics, e.g., chemical bonding. Factors mentioned in the attitude section above are significant in determining the level of entertainment received from technological products.
In products advertisement, entertainment is a vital element (Teixeira et al. 2013). Level of customer use of the product is dependant on how much the client enjoys it. In technology, mobile application enjoyment, for instance, comes with ease of use and navigation (Adewole-Odeshi 2014). The level of entertainment also affects the general attitude of an individual towards technology.
Sample Description
The study consisted of 1193 respondents from 83 nations from all the main world continents. 55.99% were females while 44.01% were males. The majority of the respondents were Chinese (31.3%) and where closely followed by British (25.7%). Other nations from major continents (North America, South America, Africa, Asia, and Europe) were represented in small percentages (See Appendix Table 1.). Most of the respondents had attained education to the college level (51.89%) while 48.11% comrised those with the university level of education. Of those who had attained up to college, 74.31% had High school/Middle school/6th form/College education, 13.89% had education in Technical College, 3.72% in primary school, and 3.39% in Vocational school. Of the recorded university respondents, 76.48% had bachelor’s degree; 20.56% had Master’s degree, and 2.96% had a level up to Ph.D. or doctorate.
The majority of the respondents were not familiar with application bringing print alive (55.91%). 44.09% were familiar with the technology. Analysis of the level of familiarization with print alive technology indicated that 30.43% were totally not familiar, 25.48% were somewhat not familiar, 36.55% were somewhat familiar and 7.54% were very familiar. The majority said that they had not used application such as Layar in the past in general or in tourism (69.66% and 77.45%) respectively. Only 30.34% and 22.55% had used Layar in the past in general and in tourism respectively.
Attitude towards Layar
Analysis of responses to positive feelings towards Layar indicated that 37.6% of the respondents declared having positive feelings towards Layar. 25.1% strongly agreed, 22.7% somewhat agreed and the lowest 2.4% disagreed having positive attitude towards Layar (Table 1.). In addition, the analysis of responses to the use of Layar in the tourism industry indicated that 37.4% agreed, 26.4% strongly agreed and the smallest number of respondents 1.8% disagreed (Table 1.). Correlation analysis of the positive feelings towards Layar and education indicated that there is a weak positive association between positive feelings towards Layar and school level (r=0.0082). However, age correlated negatively with positive feelings towards Layar (r= -0.05398).
Involvement of Layar in Tourism Industry
The number of the respondents who used Layar to enrich travel print media was somewhat critical (30.2%). Closely were those who said it is important (26.2%). The lowest percentage responded that it was not important at all (2.9%) (Table 1). Overall, most of the respondents said it was important to use Layar to enrich travel print media (71.2%). The analysis of the level of relevance of using Layar in enrichment of travel print media indicated that 34.5% agreed it was relevant. The smallest number (1.9%) said it was very irrelevant (Table 1). In general, the majority of the respondents said it is relevant to use Layar to enrich travel print media (82.8%).
Entertainment from Layar
The majority of the respondents agreed that they found Layar to be an entertaining application (33.4%), 25.6% strongly agreed while only a small number strongly disagreed that Layar is an entertaining application (1.8%) (Table 1.). Also, entertainment was assessed by questioning if Layar was fun to use. The analysis indicated that 36% agreed that Layar was fun, 24.6% somewhat agreed and 17.1% strongly agreed. Only a small number of respondents strongly disagreed that Layar was fun to use (3.6%) (Table 1.). In addition, the majority of the respondents agreed that Layar makes travel information search more interesting (38.1%). 25.6% strongly agreed while 23.7% somewhat agree. Small number of the respondents strongly disagreed, disagreed and somewhat disagreed (1.8%, 2.2% and 8.5% respectively) (Table 1).
Analysis of response to “I thought Layar was clever and quite entertaining” indicated the 37.8% agreed, 21.7% somewhat agreed and 19.4% strongly agreed that Layar was clever and entertaining. On the other hand, only 12.8%; 4.4% and 3.8% somewhat disagreed, disagreed and strongly disagreed that Layar is a clever and entertaining application (Table 1.).
Analysis of the level of excitement on use of Layar to enrich travel print media indicated that most of the respondents were excited (29.3%). 28.7% said that it was somewhat exciting while only a small number said it was not exciting (2.3%) (Table 1). Overall, most of the respondents said that it was exciting to use Layar to enrich travel print media (81.2%). 37% said it was appealing to use Layar for enriching travel print media. However, only 1.8% said it was not appealing at all (Table 1.).
Generally, 87.2% found the use of Layar to enrich travel print media appealing. Analysis on level of interest in using Layar to enrich travel print media indicated that 34.0% found it interesting. The smallest number (1.3%) did not find it interesting to use the application (Table 1.). In general, 88.3% found it interesting to use Layar to enrich travel print media. Correlation analysis of the variable “I find Layar an entertaining application” with education and age indicated that both had a weak positive relationship (r=0.021529 and 0.027564) respectively.
The general attitude of the respondents towards Layar is positive. Therefore, it means that there is a possibility that customers will accept the application in the tourism industry. The findings have shown that respondents agree to the use of Layar application in the tourism industry. This supports the study by Adowole-Odeshi (2014) investigating the attitude of students e-learning in West-Nigerian Universities. He concludes that having a positive attitude is associated with a high possibility of the student to use the system. The results also indicate that there is a weak positive relationship between strong feelings towards Layar and the level of education. University graduates have the chance to have a high knowledge of technological applications hence a higher positive attitude than those with college or lower education.
The findings also indicated that age correlates negatively with positive feeling towards Layar. This means that increase in age of respondents resulted in a negative attitude towards Layar. The finding supports Eswaran and Jayaraman (2014) study on attitude towards IT among college teachers. They concluded that age was a significant contributor of attitude towards IT with older teachers having a lower attitude than young teachers. It also conquers with Elias et al. (2012) study on age and its effects on the attitude in a workplace. They deduced that older employees have a lower attitude than younger employees. It also supports Elsaadani’s (2013) statement that age is a significant factor in determining the attitude of teachers towards information and communication technology.
From the results it is evident that most of the respondents agreed that Layar was an entertaining application. They had fun while using the application, and it was interesting to search information. The majority thought that it was appealing and exciting to use Layar to enrich the travel print media in the tourism industry. From the discussion on the attitude, it is clear that entertainment from Layar had a positive effect on the attitude of the respondents towards Layar. This conquers with the study by Adewole-Odeshi (2014) where he concludes that ease of the use of e-learning systems is associated with a positive attitude. However, entertainment correlates positively with ease of use, and, therefore, the more entertaining an application is, the higher is the attitude towards it.
The findings also indicated a weak positive correlation between the perceived level of entertainment and the age group. If the respondent was below 21 years, the perceived level of entertainment was lower that among the respondents beyond 21 years. This can be attributed to the fact that older people have enhanced knowledge and experience on technological issues and, therefore, have ease when using applications, which mean they are more entertained.
In addition, the findings demonstrated a weak positive relationship between perceived level of entertainment and the level of education. It indicated that higher level of education (University) was associated with a greater level of entertainment. This, similar to the age correlation above, it can be attributed to the degree of knowledge and experience of higher education graduate.
The findings indicated that most respondents agreed that the use of Layar to enrich travel print media is important. It was also agreed that the Layar application is relevant to enriching travel print media of the tourism industry. These deductions show that there is a high possibility of acceptance of the technology by tourism customers. Since Layar is used to enrich, it, therefore, means that it is a supportive tool. This opinion is supported by Prensky (2008) in a study on the role of technology in the classroom concluding that technology plays a supportive role in the new teaching approaches and strategies. It also supports research on technology and relationships by Hertlein and Ancheta (2014). They summarize that technology supports relationship through its development, maintenance, and enhancement.
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It can be concluded that the attitude towards the Layar application in the tourism industry is positive. The reason for this is the fact that the application is entertaining and its involvement in the industry is appealing and interesting. It is also concluded that Layar is an entertaining application, which is fun, exciting and interesting to use. Finally, it is found that the involvement of Layar in the tourism and hospitality industry is essential and relevant. Since the study only focuses on the general attitude, involvement and entertainment of the Layar mobile application, it does not capture the specifics, e.g., the factors controlling the attitude, involvement, and entertainment. There is no detailed investigation on the relationship between the level of knowledge and experience in technology and perceived level of attitude towards technology. In addition, the study focuses on one application. Further studies should, therefore, be carried out on these other variables.
Management Implication
The study provides information about management of tourism and hospitality industry, which indicates that people have a positive attitude towards Layar. They also encourage and agree that involving the Layar application is important and relevant. In addition, they agree that the application is entertaining. Therefore, this should act as an ignition to the tourism and hospitality to adopt the technology as it will be embraced by customers. They should also enhance customers understanding of the application by educating and providing knowledge about the application.
- There is a possibility of false answers. The questionnaires were administered through the mail, and, therefore, there is no guarantee that the information collected was genuine or false.
- Looking at the countries where the questionnaires were administered indicates non-random sampling since many questionnaires were given in some countries than others. This is not a proper representation of the whole world.
- Investigate attitude, involvement and entertainment of more applications, other than Layar, which can be used in the tourism and hospitality industry.
- Assess the factors that control the attitude, involvement and entertainment of technological application used in the tourism and hospitality industry.