Video Games

Video games have provided entertainment to many people since 1970s. According to estimates, games do occupy a prominent place in the American life, which makes them an institution. Video games sells have increased recently and estimated to be above $ 10 billion. The video games offer a real life experience, thus the increase in sells. A look at the purchase trends of customers reveals that, both kids and adults clamor for video games. In addition, research asserts that the average Video game player in America is 29 years old and spends close to 6.5 hours each week playing Video games (Sternheimer, 2006).

The fact that there are hosts of portable gaming platforms including cellular phones and laptops that enable a person to engage in a game in the middle of work-time or class-work has resulted to a raging debate that video games make people lazy. However, a recent development in video games has proved the argument extraneous. This paper explores the reasons why video games do not make people lazy. In addition, it outlines a video game found in the market that engages a person physically.

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Firstly, Video games do not make us lazy, as it depends with the number of hours a person puts into them. When a person engages in video games in a regulative manner, this cannot affect their health, as they will find time to engage in other physical activities. For instance, a person who plays video games for about an hour in a day cannot become lazy. This is because they will have scheduled their time well and that means they have time for handling other businesses. Arguably, the video games affect those who are lazy and do not know how to manage their time. It is also important that a person does not become addicted to the video games, and that can be achieved through strict observance of personal schedules, which makes the video games to affect those that are lazy, but not make us lazy (Sternheimer, 2006).

Secondly, a recent development in the video games industry has seen development of a high-tech game that engages a person physically. The Wii Fit video game developed by Nintendo is an exercise game that has several activities a person can engage in using the Wii Balance. The game functions by use of a unique platform peripheral referred to as the Wii Balance Board (Baxter, 2010). The player stands on the board during various exercises such as balance, aerobics, strength training and yoga. All these forms of training bring people and families together, and result to sweating, which is healthy to human beings.

The third reason why video games do not make people lazy is the adoption of the Wii Fit game by various institutions such as nursing homes and health clubs. In addition, the game has received positive reviews, as it is instrumental in physiotherapy rehabilitation, and the improvement of posture. Arguably, the game does not make a person lazy as it provides an onscreen trainer in the case of yoga, who gives direction to the person playing the game, and eventually evaluates the performance (Schlosberg & Neporent, 2010).

In conclusion, despite the raging campaign that video games make us lazy, many people continue to become addicted to them with the average age of video game player in the United States reaching 29. Recent developments in video games industry brought the invention of Wii Fit video game that physically involves a person playing it. Research asserts that video games affect those who are lazy, but cannot make a person lazy. Various institutions such as health clubs and nursing homes adopt the Wii Fit as it aids in aerobics, yoga, and other physical activities.


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